View Full Version : the chemist

28-07-11, 16:31
I've always felt uncomfortable in chemists but I'm starting to dread going in to get my meds. Just got back from the doctors now and in the chemist I started feeling really bad, then I started thinking what if they think i'm a drug addled weirdo :-( because they know what my meds are for.
My doctor asked me if I wanted to up my meds but I said no, i'm not sure if I regret this now as now it's the waiting game for CBT. what can you do until therapy other than feel crap :/

29-07-11, 01:21
Hi Kate

I went for the meds and counselling route. The meds have now done their job and I'm much better, as for the counselling, it's been about six months since I put down for it and I'm still waiting, but honestly feel I don't need it now as I've pretty much recovered anyway. Might be worth saying to the doc you have changed your mind about upping the meds if you feel it would help. Have they given you any idea how long you will have to wait for the CBT?

I know EXACTLY what you mean about the chemists. I once overheard a young assistant asking the chemist what my Sertraline was for and she replied in hushed tones 'they're an anti-depressant' :ohmy:. Oh god, I thought, they all know I'm a nutcase now! :blush: I'm also paranoid about people I know being in there when I'm collecting. I know quite a few nosey people who would be very curious about what medication I'm on! :lac:I get similar feelings in the doctors surgery too. I remember one bloke in there being asked at reception what his repeat prescription was for. 'Sertraline' he replied, oh hell I thought, I hope I don't get asked, I could just imagine someone I know stood near me when I have to reply thinking 'what the hell is that for? :scared15: I'll have to google it when I get home!' :roflmao::doh:

I do find using a chemists at a different part of town helps if I have time to get to one. I don't really like the thought of my nearest chemists staff knowing I'm 'one of those'. It does seem to bother me much less now the depression has gone though and in reality they hand out thousands of these prescriptions every year. It might be worth considering getting someone to collect the prescription on your behalf. This prevents you being identified by the staff and can be really useful if you know someone who will do it for you.

Tyke :)

31-07-11, 21:37
If someone collects it for me do they just need my Id? i might try doing that.
Thats horrible that you heard the chemist say that, thats what worries me and there are 2 girls that work there that are quite young I don't think i'd mind if it was older people.
They told me cbt would be 3-6 months :-( feel so low at the moment it's hard at work trying to keep normal. My friend at work asked me if i wanted to talk about it but i don't want to talk anymore feel like i'm just going to depress them. It's ridiculous I want to be alone but i feel lonely at the same time how does that make sense? :/

31-07-11, 22:34
Kate, most chemists will deliver. I have mine delivered so I never go in the chemist. I just ring up and they get my repeat prescription from the Drs and deliver my meds. I have to be in to sign for them though.
Hope this helps

31-07-11, 22:40
know what you mean. thwy make me sign an 'extra' bit of paper to declare it's 'me' picking it up for the temazepam becasue it's soemthing that can be sold on the black market or something in the nearest chemist. Boots don't do it though so now i go there. must live in a well dodgy area lol!!!!

01-08-11, 02:02
If someone collects it for me do they just need my Id? i might try doing that.
They told me cbt would be 3-6 months :-( feel so low at the moment it's hard at work trying to keep normal. My friend at work asked me if i wanted to talk about it but i don't want to talk anymore feel like i'm just going to depress them. It's ridiculous I want to be alone but i feel lonely at the same time how does that make sense? :/
I think the person collecting on your behalf just needs to sign in a different place on the prescription form. I think I would send a covering letter and some ID just in case they want extra proof, I think it probably depends on how fussy the individual chemists are. As an alternative you could always follow Mirabelles advice and have it delivered if that is available in your area.

Waiting lists are dreadful. I am down for counselling and have been waiting six months. To be honest, I don't even think I need it now, the time when it would have been really useful has been and gone. I guess that's the idea, keep 'em waiting long enough and a few will drop out! Saves on resources.

I know what you mean about not wanting to talk to people about it. Unless people suffer from it themselves it can sound like an endless depressing whinge which they will tire of eventually. Sometimes though others do genuinely want to help and can feel a bit hurt if you shut them out too much. There is of course always plenty of support on here and you can always go into the chat room if you want a live conversation with other sufferers.

Tyke :)