View Full Version : cant believe it

28-07-11, 17:19
Hi all as you may have read ive been having a few bladder issues lately ive had pain urgency and blood in urine for a few months now and i was really worried and in pain for the last few days anyway i made an appointment to see my gp for today because of the discomfort i was in and to see if i still had blood in my urine because if i had they was going to be refered to hospital to see what was happening and why i was in pain and bleeding well i went for a wee in the night and had the usual discomfort but when i looked down the toilet i realised that i had passed a stone so i took it with me to show my gp and she said it was indeed a stone and they are sending it away for analysis and she had never seen one that had been passed so was very suprised as bladder stones are rare apparently so now i have to go for xrays and ultrasounds to see if i have anymore lurking about in my kidneys or bladder ive also had blood took to check things as well as this ever happened to anyone else im in quite abit of discomfort today its left me very sore

jayne x

28-07-11, 17:47
Hi Jayne

Aren't they kidney stones and not bladder stones?

A guy at work passed one apparently and he said it was very painful but they soon got it all cleared up for him.

28-07-11, 18:35
well they said it was a bladder stone weather it started in the kidney i dont know i will proberly find out when i have tests
jayne x