View Full Version : Oh So dizzy

04-05-06, 10:22
Can someone offer some advice......

I have been doing really well for quite some time now, with the ocassional blip etc, but I am manging to cope with some sort of social life instead of staying in all the time, which is good.

But over the last cople of days I have started experiencing dizzyness again! I got this quite Badly when I first started taking my meds, and the doc told me to reduce them, anyway I havent changed the dosage for months now. yet this dizzyness has come back all of a sudden.

I almost feel like I am swaying and when I get up and walk around I feel like I am all over the place, but I know I am not as noone has said anything!

I am worried this is something serious......i do suffer from terrible health anxiety, and obssess about everything, but dizzyness is quiet hard to cope with!!!!

Can anyone relate or offer some advice etc.

Many Thanks and hope you are all doing ok


Hay x

04-05-06, 13:50
This is me all over - ask GP for betahistine hydrochloride tabs, they seem to work. I used ti take em like smarties til I got my medication phobia

Anxiety Is Evil

04-05-06, 16:18
i get this on and off and it is so frightening . it is anxiety and your fear of it that keeps it coming

i hope this reassures you a little


04-05-06, 16:33
Hi Hayles - I used to get this all the time and I agree it is horrible and frightening. My CBT therapist said it was muscle tension affecting the balance mechanisms in my ear and Claire Weekes says a similar thing. Whenever I felt dizzy I just told myself that it was only tension, nothing more and gradually the dizziness got less and less. I still get it in the evening, but I think only because I'm expecting it now, so along it comes!! If your very worried, go and see your doctor to put your mind at rest.
Take Care
Love Helen

04-05-06, 20:59
Hi Hayles

I don't want to repeat myself but I just posted on the other thread here about dizziness and really want to say the same to you!!!

I get this loads and have learned to cope with my version of it pretty well - have a look on that post!

I hope yours is settling - good luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

05-05-06, 11:31
I think I've said on another post re dizziness that I've had it for years on and off. It is due to tension in the neck that cuts off blood supply to balance mechanism. My balance therapist recommended some exercises and i have been sooo much better since. releasing tension in the neck and shoulders helps. There are meds too that can help but they make you drowsy. I think the exercises are based on something called Cooksie/Cawthorn which your physio can do, they use them with Menieres patients. It certainly helped me, I only have to feel the slightest bit dizzy, and i do when I'm anxious and I immediately start doing the exercises and it gets better. They are a bit grot at first, you kind of bring on the dizziness in a controlled way - sounds crazy I know - but the brain readjusts as it gets used to the movements again. The more yu avoid certain movements that make you dizzy the more you will feel dizzy when you do them. Anyway enough babble. Hope you get better soon [8D]

05-05-06, 11:40
Thanks to you all
every little comment helps a lot and makes me fell less of a nutter!!! lol

Daisy bun,
Can you descibe these excerises at all?
Maybe I could have a go?

Thanks Again - Hugs to all

Hay x

05-05-06, 17:27
Hi Hayles
You need to take it very slowly at first and just check with Dr if its OK - don't want to make matters worse for you, especialy if yu are on meds or anything but they really helped me. You start by loosening your shoulders. Then turn your head from side to side very gently - yu'll feel dizzy at first and when you do just stop until it feels better and try agin. Then you move your head up and down. These are the basic maintenance ones I use now - there are more which make you do movements, which when you are suffering dizziness you think this must be crazy - but it worked for me. I could never go to Barn dances and get swung round I'd feel very sick and be off for a few days - I can do that now. The up and down movement of simply hanging out washing or putting stuff in a shopping trolley was often a trigger, flying was a nightmare, especially take-off, by the way a tip for anyone who gets that horrible unbalanced feeling on take-off, sit by the window and 'spot' something on the ground - keep that in focus as it does not move - it has helped me so much. When i flew before I learned this I'd be drugged upi to the eyeballs and have to spend the first couple of days recovering from the dizziness - feeling completely spaced out. Anyway hope this helps you. Your Doctor may refer you to Physio as they can do these exercises if he/she feels it is affecting you and will help.

08-05-06, 09:18
Thanks Daisy.....Will try those out x

Hay x

08-05-06, 12:47
Let me know how its going won't you.

Dausy x


'This too will pass'