View Full Version : blipping again

28-07-11, 17:26
Sooo I am having another blip on the Cit (I so wish it was working as well as last time 10 yrs ago) and I still hate being alone, gone back to not being even able to go outside let alone drive again. have been on the 20mg for about 5 weeks now and the 10mg 4 weeks before that surely i should not be blipping this bad :weep:

My mum goes on holiday a week on saturday and so does my neighbour again so I will be left on my own for 10 days with 2 houses to look after i think it is all getting to me again) i need this blip to disapear before the holiday otherwise i feel i will not cope :(

wondering if an up in dose would wrk but do not want the side effects back:doh:

28-07-11, 18:17
Upping the dose may work, but it will take some time. Maybe it will not help you for the holiday being alone. It will be better to take some sedatives probably, xanax for example.

28-07-11, 18:23

Maybe you should consider either increasing to 40mg, another type of therapy alongside citalopram (CBT maybe) or changing your medication and see if something else will work better for you.

As you say its been a while now since you started it and you seem to be getting so many blips just lately. I would book an appointment with the doctor and see what is for the best at this stage?


28-07-11, 18:40
It can take a long time to find your Theraputic dose .Mine was 35mg ..20mg isnt strong enough for a lot of people escpecially when their Anxiety is really bad .Higher doses are often needed for Anxiety .Worrying about how your going to cope is only adding to it .A 10mg increase wont cause bad side effects as you already have some in your system .THE ODD HEADACHE or a slight increase in anx for a week .Should be all you get at this stage .Worth trying id say ,:shrug:,Hope what ever you decide to do you pick up and stabilise soon .T/c Luv Sue x:hugs:

28-07-11, 23:10
I don't know about these blips but I do know that today has been awful for me, really anxious. I have been on 40mg of cit for a week and 2 days, feeling very panicy today I have been on the AD for 5 weeks now started on 20 for a week then went on to 30 for 3 weeks then this week on 40. but i feel very nervy and tense I just hope it goes. Would I still be having side affects I do know this jaw clenching and headachs are a pain.

Cathy xx

28-07-11, 23:58
Yes Cathy you are still having side effects ..you have increased each dose very quickly .Hang on in there ,it will settle down .You will start to have periods in the day when you feel ok then this will get longer and longer until you have stabilised .The headaches should go in a week or so .Try eating around the time you take your pills and drink plenty of water ..Hope you feel better soon .T/c Sue xx:hugs:

29-07-11, 18:44
Thanks Sue for your reply and I have got hope from what you have said Thanks again x

Cathy xx:)

macc noodle
29-07-11, 19:57
Hey you, sorry to hear about your blips :(

You probably do need some form of CBT - not a cure all but it does seem to help you be more philosophical and accepting of dips without them causing too much worry.

My b-i-l has just had his Cit dose upped and he is fine apart from sleeping more and bad heads.

good luck hunni xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx