View Full Version : any advice?

28-07-11, 18:24
Hi everyone I have just come away for a much needed holiday, so just arrived aand up pops my panic would really welcome any tips or advice on how to keep my self calm xx

28-07-11, 18:30
Hi Cluck,

Keep yourself busy and distracted. When you panic do some relaxation breathing. Deep breaths into the stomach, in through the nose and out though the mouth. It helped me last year when I went Tunisia.

Keep stong and enjoy it! :)

Veronica H
29-07-11, 11:19
:) accept all of these feelings in the sure knowledge that they can not harm you and are a result of over sensitised nerves. Try not to fight them or try to control them this feeds the anxiety and keeps the nerves sensitised. Stay in the moment as much as you can until the symptoms subside....word searches and crosswords, reading a good book, listening to music, are helpful here. Have a great holiday:yesyes: XV

29-07-11, 11:36
hello, when i am feeling bad and out and about i try look at things in as much detail as i can, like in a shop i will try to observe as much information and colours from the array of cigarette boxes behind the counter. Or if i am walking past trees or vegetation look at how the branches and leaves are in relation to each other and try and get as much of a "3d" impression as i can.

I may sound like a nutter but usually when i have a panic attack i cease up and look at the floor (if not running away hehe) so it seems to help when i am processing more external information then just the information of feeling like poo.