View Full Version : pain

28-07-11, 18:38
hi, does anyone get pain on left side of their chest? have had it couple of hours now, have had it on and off for few months now
and also couple months back i woke three in monrning tight chest pain on the left, i really thought i was havin a heart attack, ease after a while, but cant stop thinking about it, is it a sign that the real thing is going to happen? really scared, have fourteen month son, wont to be here to see him grow up :weep:

28-07-11, 21:11
it will be anixety hun youll be holding your self really tense i had it and also have a little boy the same age as yours so i know how worrying it is but mine was caused by anixety and tension and swelling in the muscle like imflamation from carrying my little boy

are you taking pain relief you need to take them regular to take the imflamtion out of it and try and relax warm baths heat on it if it doesnt ease the gp will be able to give you something to help you relax a little x

30-07-11, 17:00
thanks for your reply, my chest pain did ease after a while that day, but always seems to be some thing dif every day, headaches, chest, arm neck pain etc, find it hard with this health anxiety and looking after my wee boy who i love very much, it has ruined my enjoyment first fourteens months of his life I HATE IT, :weep:

30-07-11, 18:19
i know excatly how you feel im habeing cbt at the mo and it is helping espically just having some one to chat to about it. the doctor gave me amtirplaine for the pain but its helped my anixety side of things massively and i only take a small dose x