View Full Version : so scared....and this time not for me!

28-07-11, 20:34
My daughter told me earlier that her fiance had admitted to her that he had been sick a few times and it had some blood in it, and he has also had some blood in his urine. He is refusing to go to the doc cause he is scared, which I can totally understand, but these are some scary shit symptoms. He is only 21 and they just had a baby 2 weeks ago. My daughter is worried about him, but can't force him to go the docs, she has told me I can't say anything to him, cause he will go mad if he knows she has told us. I really need some advice, I am so scared for them, I don't know what to do. If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it.

28-07-11, 21:08
it could ne something as simple as a bladder infection as hard as it is if he wont go try not to worry as its up to him to go x

28-07-11, 22:26
I don't understand why he is scared because the longer he leaves it the worse the out come could be!
I would see if I could get the doc to do a house call, or ring up the NHS nurse for advice on the symptoms, maybe she could talk him into going?

28-07-11, 22:49
Is possibly a UTI, very common during pregnancy and sexually transmissible to the male. It's easily treated.

Regardless he needs to bite the bullet and go to the doctor as soon as possible.

29-07-11, 07:13
A UTI wouldn't cause blood in the vomit though would it?xx

29-07-11, 07:35
I can't believe the state of pure panic and fear this has sent me into, I'm just so scared, I've got to do something. I had been getting better slowly but this morning I woke up shaking internally and I just want to cry and scream, it just all seems so fruitless. I don't want to pass my fears onto my daughter by keep nagging her about his symptoms, which I know I will do. And what if I stand back and do nothing and its somat serious, but could have been treated if found earlier, or what if I go against my daughters wishes and try someway to force him to the doctors and its somat seriousn but he really would of preferred not to know. He is just 21 and has a 2 week old son, I'm terrified for them, I just don't know what to do. How do other normal people cope with all these things that can happen in life, cause at the moment I feel like giving up, because I things that can happen in life is scaring me :weep:

29-07-11, 15:48
Has anyone got any ideas on how I can handle this, cause he won't go docs!!

29-07-11, 16:14
Sorry your having a hard time with this. I think maybe you could carmly sit down with them... there is no wa you phyiscally push him to the docs but you can speak to them. It does sound like an infection and its proberly just a case of needing anti biotics

fretty freda
30-07-11, 01:56
honestly when i read other peoples posts i am like .... i bet its something or nothing .... but the irony is it sounds just like me yet reading someones elses i think chill out .... i must come across same as you to others .

please try not to worry if it is sommert it will bother him soon i am sure he will tell his mates and he will go and get it checked you could get your daughter to say did you read about that man in the paper who had blood in his urine he died in two weeks or summert to scare him so he goes even though its prob nothing