View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer, help?

28-07-11, 21:36
Okay, so here we go again.

I've been having these pains in my side and the constant urge to urinate which is driving me insane.

Of course I shouldnt have done it but I googled it and one of things that came up was ovarian cancer.

Apparentley its a "silent killer" which makes me think I may have it due to the lack of symptoms. I go for a wee and then two minutes later I need another one which is so frustrating. I have been tested for bladder problems in the past but nothing shows up. It feels as though there is a constant pressure on my stomach and in my bladder. I also seem to have put on some weight around my stomach and for once I'm hoping its just fat and not ovarian cancer issues.

I'm 22 btw. Can anyone shed some light on this please?

28-07-11, 23:15

It sounds somewhat like the symptoms of a urinary infection/cystitis that you are having to me, GirlAfraid23.

The first signs are an urgency to go for a wee, then another in a short space of time, and very little comes out when you try, but you feel like you really need to go.

The constant pressure is a symptom too and bloating. Plus you are having pain in your sides and with a UTI you have that too, sides and sometimes back around the kidney area.

If you are having pain when weeing too it DEFO sounds like a UTI.

I have had several sadly, and they are horrible but easily solved with antibiotics.

If it continues, pop along to your GP hun. I think that is far more likely than anything sinister.

Hope you feel better soon.


29-07-11, 09:05
I have pain in my sides all the time. I too have thought of Ovarian Cancer but I had an ultrasound last year which was fine so I guess it's just one of those things. I'm pretty sure I read that IBS can give you pain in your sides too.
