View Full Version : Should I ask my doctor to increase my dose

29-07-11, 01:31
I really don't know where to start; Been on this medication for getting on for 6 weeks now, Started feeling better had brilliant weekend away in London with my sister and daughter; came home Monday night to find my husband had left home leaving only a note as an explanation. As you can imagine I freaked out. complete hysteria tried taking things which my son took off me went into full blown breakdown mode. I have spent the last 3 days in a blur can't eat, sleep or stop crying.
Today I've started having panic attacks; I'm pacing the house, loosing track of things and in total despair with myself. I am due back at the Drs Monday for an assessment and was wondering if it was worth asking her to increase my dose, I'm on 20mg at the moment but I am now feeling like I really can not cope with life.

29-07-11, 02:48
Am sorry that your having a rough time right now and its all normal for what your feeling i no i'd be the same if my partner had just done the same to me.... this is bound to make your anxiety sky high, have a good long chat with your doctor and maybe the higher dose of your tabs will make you feel a bit more you !!
am now up2 40mg citalopram and i thought i wud only need 20mg like i have in the past but i guess i was just a lot worse this time round,,,
Keep your chin up hun x x

29-07-11, 12:50
I am really sorry to hear what you are going through. I have just seperated from my husband and it is very difficult times. The way you are is very natural. I would say you may need to go up to 40mg as i have just upped mine to 40mg a week and a half ago. I also would say a short course of may be diazepam just to get you over this shock till the citalopram starts working, It would help you get over the shock you have been through. I do hope things get better for you I am sure they will.

Cathy xx

29-07-11, 13:04
Ouch, that's not a nice thing to be going through. Totally agree with cathycrumble, it might be the case that a short course of diazepam or similar might help you get over the shock. A dose increase to 40mg is more of a long term thing. I know it seems a long time to wait until Monday but your GP is best to assess how you're feeling and what to suggest next. Please remember that life events like this can floor even the strongest person, so don't be too hard on yourself.

01-08-11, 21:41
Hi Thanks for your replies. Well I've had what I can only describe as the worst week of my life but went back to the Drs this morning had a good chat about what's been happening and she has upped my dose to 30mg to see if this helps. She has also given me weeks supply of sleeping tablets to help me get some sleep and signed me off work for another 4 weeks ... Fingers crossed.
I also had my first councilling session today which has left me mentally drained but the way i'm going to look at this is it's my first real step to recovery taken, I have no doubt this will be a rocky road with lots of ups and downs but i'm on it.

07-08-11, 11:39
Hey Icemaiden,
Sorry to hear about your bad times, big hugs :hugs:
Glad you've got some counselling - as you say it will be worse to start with but it will get more helpful over time.
Hope the increased dose and sleeping tab will help you stabilise.

All the best