View Full Version : Weird issues today .Anyone else have this?

29-07-11, 02:17
For the last few days my arms have felt weak and kind of like they are going numb,also my skin all over my body feels like its sticky or just funny feeling like its trying to go numb too. My neck is hurting on and off like its shifted out of place and my lower back is hurting. This afternoon I was taking a walk like usual and my hip started hurting and I pushed on the hip with my fingers and my buttock on that side went numb and then it felt like ice inside it. Iit felt like that for about ten minutes after I pushed on it and then stopped. Later I accidently brushed up against the tip of my penis and the same nerve that went numb in my buttock did it again. Whats up with all this? Is everything connected to the nerve in your buttock or the muscle there? With everything going on I am starting to be a nervous wreck today. Why is all this happening?

29-07-11, 02:19
Oh yeah and realised that im getting involuntary movement in my right thump every few minutes and this has been going on for a long time over a peroid of weeks not to mention something like resless leg symdrome everynight.

29-07-11, 03:41
I get some back issues, so I know that back issues or tense muscles can make your arms feel stiff, aches, tired,heavy and weak.
If you can lift your arms above your head then your good, I remember reading that somewhere : )

I get terrible weak feelings in my legs too, had it really bad today, just felt too heavy and not strong. That time of the month is coming up and for me all those hormones tend to make me feel weak in general.
I've often wondered if men get hormone fluctuations, that can affect their body and mood.

Not sure about the hot sticky feeling, I was getting this wet cold feeling on my head and face, a few times I thought it was raining!
Is the weather hot and humid over there at the moment?

ah your neck and back are hurting, tense muscles maybe, honestly when your back acts up it can cause very odd sensations.
I get a weird shooting, electrical feeling through my elbows and arms, also the pins and needles.
I think a chiropractor could give you an adjustment and that could help?
I heard very good things about them.

Sometimes I get that shooting pain down my leg when I am walking, always have to stop and wait for it to go away, called sciatica or something.

really sounds like a trapped nerve or something, maybe the cold sensation I was getting in my head and face was that, caused by my tmj and wisdom teeth as I was already getting numbness.

actually sciatica can cause numbness in your bum!
"when the sciatic nerve is compressed or otherwise irritated by the piriformis muscle causing pain, tingling and numbness in the buttocks and along the path of the sciatic nerve descending down the lower thigh and into the leg"

29-07-11, 03:50
My wife said the samething about sciatica and numbness in the bottock but whats up with numbness in the bottock caused by touching the penis? Is all that connected?