View Full Version : Involuntary movement in right thumb and right foot.

29-07-11, 02:42
I inserted this in another post but thought someone might know this one. For the past few weeks myright thumb has been twitching or moving like a twich all through the day. I also noticed that my right foot also has tbe same movement in the big toe and and in the foot like restless leg. It did it so little before I never thought much about it but now its doing it often not only during the night but the day too. My right hand and arm and leg is dominant so im wondering if just overuse cold cause this or is it something serious that could be bad. Its upsetting to me and makes me nervous. Anyone else have this and is it anxiety related?

29-07-11, 03:17
a few years back, my right thumb got a weird spasm, it sorta cramp up and turned inwards, have the biggest panic attack about it.
I often got a tapping sensation in my baby toe, then one day I realized it was twitching.
I think it can happen when the muscles get tired.
I swear I had written out the above reply before I read the part about your toe!

In people that play video games too much , it's rather common for them to get twitchy fingers, so it could be over use.

Because it's only one finger, one toe twitching at a time, that's a good sign! (I googled so you don't have to )
low levels of magnesium can cause it, also read a study where magnesium can help animals with anxiety!

constant twitching can be cause by a compressed disk in your spine.

all in all it seems like it's pretty harmless : )

29-07-11, 03:25
Hey Mishel, hmmm video games... well not playing them but have swapped from regular computer two handed typing to ipad one finger typing and guess what finger?? Yes the one I type with but wonder whats with the toe??? I have had this finger thing for awhile but its worse so im thinking might be a compressed nerve in my neck or back or both I guess im getting old and worn out...:( Just noticed the skin under my right arm ugh... its so wrinkled ...I showed my wife and said WHAT is this and she said wrinkled omg... when did I get wrinkled ???

29-07-11, 03:30
I forgot to mention prior to this that over a peroid of weeks I felt like my right arm and right leg felt funny. They felt seperate somehow from my body like they might go numb anytime but but they havent but still feel weird at times out of the blue?

29-07-11, 22:31
I have this too. I remember waking up once and the thumb on my left hand was moving by itself. Just yesterday my bicep muscle was twitching and shaking. Its all anxiety.

29-07-11, 23:08
Thank you....and would anxiety cause stiff muscles on that side too?

31-07-11, 21:05
It can be caused by simple tiredness and caffeine can make things worse. So rest and cutting down coffee can help.