View Full Version : Raw Weird Feeling In Belly, Negative Thinking, Anxious

29-07-11, 03:14
So its now 3am and am still wide awake with some anxious negative thinking & a raw feeling in my belly it gets worse if am hungry & the last time i ate was about 5pm a ham bap oh i had a cup of tea & 3 plain biscuits about 7pm over 8 hours ago :-( but i don't feel hungry
apart from that as its so late at night and every1 is sleeping i get real anxious / panicky and my mind works over time with all the what if's....
why do these even enter are mind ??
how do we stop negative thinking ????

29-07-11, 03:49
could the raw feeling be acid?
Drinking milk might help,
being tired makes anxiety worse,
distraction, internet is what helps me in the night, you got to focus on things outside of your body and mind.
I've even cleaned in the middle of the night for distraction.
I know everyone in your home is asleep but they are there and you could wake them up : )
night time is my worst, I tend to stay on the internet until I'm tired enough to sleep.
miss the nights where I would just read a book until I fell asleep!
Hope your ok x

29-07-11, 03:49
maybe pop into the chatroom so you won't feel too alone : )

29-07-11, 03:55
Wow thought I was the only one that couldnt sleep. We are so glad you are here Mishel,you are always so helpful and nice .

29-07-11, 15:53
Hi there
I also get that raw feeling and also bloaterd stomach I sometimes feel like my food is not going down properly because I feel so bloated does anyone else get it as well I feel like I want to keep belching.
Honeyple it might be acid or wind.


29-07-11, 17:20
Joan i get that feeling all the time like food is stuck just below my ribs in the center and like you need to burp or something to move it.....
Well never sleep until about 7.30am this morning until 9.30am and all today i just feel so anxious scared sickly feeling and all i have done is cry i just don't know y?? but then again i have been having all the thoughts that really will i ever get better like i used to just living a normal life instead of bein like this everyday of my life i cant remember a day going by where i haven't been anxious or feel sick etc

29-07-11, 18:11
You will get there
I do have more good days than bad but when I have a bad day it is horrible
and I start to panic again and think why
Look after yourself and you will do it
