View Full Version : panic attacks

04-05-06, 12:16
hi everyone,
im new, just been having a look through the forums and everyone seems really friendly,im looking for some help with panic attacks i have recently tried hypnotherapy this doesnt seem to have helped though,im giving it another go desperate to get rid of these panic attacks,think im starting to feel a little down in the dumps im scared that im going to be stuck with these forever,


04-05-06, 12:34
Hi Jo

Welcome to the forum you will get lots of great help.

I was the same as you when i first got my panic attacks 4yrs ago now
you just have to try and keep yourself calm when you do get a panic attack and try to take slow deep breathes, i always use a paper bag over my mouth and nose and breathe into it that does seem to help.

I don't get many panic attacks now i just get anxiety which is just as bad, it will get better and you will know how to control them.

I hope this helps you wil get lots more advice about it.

take care
linda x

04-05-06, 14:20
Hi! I had such a doozy of a panic in October of last year, that I went to the emergency department[^] thinking I must have some nasty little major thing like asthma or the like going on....hyperventilating, shaky, felt panicky all over my being, geesh! I'd been having the whole swallowing thing...getting the nervous feeling to swallow, which has turned out to be nothing but globus hysteric..(sp?) a fancy name for I just could not swallow the stress at my job. It was not fun as an experience, but it taught me soooo much this year.....#1 and most important, I found this site, which has shown me real and concrete strategies for dealing with this anxiety and knowing it is very much in MY control...not a doctor, not my family, but I CAN control this. Does it mean that I won't have flare ups just like anything which goes with our bodies? No...BUT, and this is the BIGGIE...can I MASTER strategies (see the information on here, Jo, about cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT...delicious stuff, and so valuable!!!) and these strategies WORK VERY WELL on helping me reign in the occasional flare up??????? Yes! Jo, I was one who was starting to flare with panic attacks in the grocery, large department stores...I went shopping twice this week, AND took my daughter to the mall the week before....I used to sweat...and want to just run out the front door of the mall, fearful of having another panic in a public place before my October attack. AND, I have been going back to the SAME restaurant that I felt I could not swallow in initially last August which started this nasty cycle, I think, and Jo...I WENT THERE WITH my family 2 times last month. I still felt a bit nervous about the swallowing, but I was bluntly honest if asked..."Why didn't you eat that"..."I am a little swallowy right now..." I would honestly say with a giggle. "You are daffy, mom"..."Yeah, I know...but that makes me special from other moms who swallow so well all the time...." I would joke, and really believe it. Also, Jo, I have become much more assertive in the last months...not aggressive or passive aggressive, which was, as I reflected upon why I was flaring with these panics, I was...I would hold stress in, and then blow up at the wrong people, or try to holler aggressively, not accomplishing anything....Stress was getting me. I wasn't exercising. [:I] I had no hobbies...so work just bugged me excessively, so, what could my poor body do but have one great big panic attack to say, "HEY TAF>>>I'm here and youre not taking very good care of me right now...I am going to get your attention with a drooling mess of a panic attack, and maybe you will take better care of me and your mind by dealing with stress better, and becoming more assertive. Jo, I know I have panics, but I am also very sensitive to what goes on in my system, and properly reigned in, this leads me to be able to understand myself and help myself quickly and effectively in all situations. Jo, you are in control. Don't forget that. Find a good CBT therapist in your area with much experience in anxiety patient and especially panic attack patients. Work with him/her....OR, if none in your area, or like me...can't afford therapy due to no insurance....work closely with information on this site. Come here often to celebrate your victories, which there will be MANY for you.
Now, Jo, if I can do it, and I was a blankety drooling mess of a pile in October...now going to shops, etc....and planning TWO holidays this summer!!! (big for me), YOU CAN DO THIS THING>
You are loved and cared about!!!! This WILL NOT last forever!!!
Your pal, Taf

04-05-06, 16:18
Welcome Jo
Love Helen

04-05-06, 20:38
Hi Jo

Welcome to the forum.

You might find the following information helpful:

First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps)

Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

04-05-06, 21:35
Welcome Jo


Love Carolyn

06-05-06, 18:11
Hi Joseph

Welcome to the forum

You will find lots of help & supprt on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

06-05-06, 19:09
Hi Joseph,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

06-05-06, 19:11
Hi Joseph

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.


07-05-06, 07:02
Hi Joseph and welcome to NMP!:D

07-05-06, 16:43
A big welcome to you.

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

07-05-06, 16:49
Hi Joseph, I've just started having panic attacks again after 4 yrs. I have found some really good info and support on this site. Take care


'This too will pass'

07-05-06, 17:01
welcome joseph,i know its scary i just started getting them back but for many reasons..just rememeber they cant hurt you even tho they feel like they can and read the post some good advise and good people in here that helps...good luck.Linda