View Full Version : jaw clenching

29-07-11, 11:24
Hi can anybody please tell me when the jaw clenching stops? As it gives me headachs and also when does the anxiety start to go away? I have been on citalopram for 5 weeks but I have only been on 40mg for a week and a half. Would I still be having side affects? As i still feel anxious and my head achs and my sinuses seem to be affecting me.

I hope someone can answer my questions

Cathy xx

29-07-11, 15:22
Hi Cathy,
I found the jaw clenching was worst when I first started citalopram and I would wake up with awful headaches. Once I started to learn to try and relax my jaw as I fell asleep the headaches got better. I have to say though that I am still clenching my jaws after 9 months, especially if stressed, although it only worries me now as I think I might be grinding my teeth in my sleep and I am going to see my dentist as I think they can help with this.

In terms of the anxiety it has been a gradual process to get really better. Don't give up - you will start to feel better and it's so nice-I had forgotten what it was like not to be anxious- and now I know!

Hang in there!


29-07-11, 16:04
Aww thanks J for answering my questions i really appreciate it. I to wake with headaches and i am sure i will be grinding my teeth it sure feels like it. I feel as if I am scared to let go of my anxiety. I think this is my habit but I am hanging on in there and hope i will lose this horrible fear. It hasn't been a fun couple of years for me. But now my life is better got rid of my ex and I have a lovely man in my life but i still can't shift my anxiety. I have just got to get rid of all the old fears and move on with the help of citalopram and my anxiety group I go to. Once again thanks for your reply.

Cathy xx