View Full Version : Im going to introduce myself...

29-07-11, 12:17
and tell you my story so far!

All started back in May...I was round a friends house and I got this burning sensation behind my ears, tingling in my feet which carried up my legs and the feeling i got i cannot describe any other way other than i thought i was dying...i wanted to say to my friend help me help me, im really scared but instead i managed to get outside for fresh air took some calm breaths and the whole thing passed...the rest of the night i was hot and felt on edge.

The next day I was really emotional, didn't want to be alone, i felt ill...i ached, the pain in my ears was still there and I just didn't feel myself, went to the doctors and they said i prob had a viral infection and i should rest up for the weekend. I did and I gradually felt abit better in myself.

However, I had the same attack as before while I was camping, i felt weak...managed to get back to my tent and just went to sleep, seemed the best thing to do to get away from it! But these feelings just didn't seem to go away, while i was in uni I felt the same feeling come again and all i wanted to do was run out of the room but instead i just looked to the floor cos i felt like i was going to pass out! managed to get home, went back to the doctors and i was prescribed proponalol to calm me down...i tried to be positive and for a little while i felt okay but when i walked to work i felt lightheaded...kinda almost like i was drunk and i was still getting the pains in my ears, so after going back to the doctors again he saw i had eczema inside my ears and gave me drops...i thought maybe i was lightheaded cos of the inside of my ears being inflamed!

the lightheads didn't stop though...they got worst and at my worst i had to see 3 different doctors in one week and one of those i had to go as an emergency because i couldn't hardly walk...it was as if my muscles had just stopped working but they all checked me and said physically they could see nothing wrong with me. i had bloodtests done, they came back all fine so the doctor made me do a questionnaire and said i have high anxiety...im now on serteraline, been on them for about 12 days now...i'm not so emotional...but i don't really have any feelings towards anything, i'm still feeling lightheaded whenever i go outside or to a supermarket or anywhere with alot of people which scares me. My sleep has changed lately...i wake up alot during the night and my vision is often quite fuzzy but i am also constantly tired...so yeah that's my story so far!

it's really long im sorry...im still trying to get my head around all of this tbh, but i feel by being on this website it will help me i think.

29-07-11, 12:19
Hi imjustnotme

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

31-07-11, 10:06
I just realised that I missed out info about my actual self! I'm 21 female from east anglia and would love to chat to people going through the same things as me to! So say hi! :)

31-07-11, 10:16

Welcome to nmp! :)

31-07-11, 10:23
Hi there and welcome to the group. Once you start navigating through the site and reading other people's experiences you will soon realise you are not alone, so try not to worry too much. I guess my first and very basic advice to you would be to re learn how to relax again and breathe properly. I know this sounds a bit daft but I promise it does help you gain control. There are lots of relaxation cd's out there. Get a hold of one and listed to it (through head phones) at a time when you won't be disturbed. Listed to it at least once a day. I listen to Glenn Harrold's 'Complete Relaxation' and find it great. It takes a while to master the art of relaxation (who knew it would be soo difficult to relax!) as people who experience panic attacks are usually SO tense. I can't express how important it is to breathe properly - most of us who panic tend to breath thoracically instead of through the diaphram. I'll try and attach a link on this to explain. I hope you find the site helpful.http://www.pe2000.com/breathe_diaphragm.htm

paula lynne
31-07-11, 16:45
Welcome to a great forum, good to have you with us, youre not alone I can reassure you of that. Keep posting! :welcome: