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View Full Version : Head pain - worried. Please reply. going away this weekend

Natalie x
29-07-11, 12:31
Hi. For the past couple of hours I have had a sharp pain in the right hand side of my head. I work at a computer all day and am supposed to wear my glasses but I don't always. I'm not sure if the pain is coming from not wearing them so have put them on. I have also taken a paracetamol but the pain is still there. I'm going away for the weekend and am leaving shortly and I'm in a bit of a panic. I felt a bit funny earlier and my eyes felt weird but am not sure if that's because I was panicking about it. I felt a bit sick too and of course my mind is running riot with what if's. Can anyone offer some words of support please? Thanks x

Natalie x
29-07-11, 14:56
Anyone please? x

29-07-11, 15:32
Hi Natalie

PLEASE try not to worry, i suffer these head pains all the time, sometimes it's just stress other times it can just be a real headache, are you worrying about going away for the weekend if so it could be this. I think it could be where you are sat at that computer all day that is meant to cause headaches and pain.

If it continues see your doc they will put your mind at rest .
Try to enjoy your weekend:hugs:

Natalie x
29-07-11, 15:39
Hi Nanny. Thanks for your reply. I am kind of worrying now that I have the pain but wasn't initially. I'm not sure if the pain has come from not wearing my glasses which then results in me screwing my eyes up, so could it perhaps be that it's maybe the muscles contracting in my head? I am currently on my way down south and am tryung my hardest not to worry and distract myself. Hopefully it will be okay. You know what it's like when you get something in your head and can't get it out x

29-07-11, 16:20
HI Natalie
It probably is this, not wearing your glasses ect, the more you worry the worse it will become so try to releax a bit.
Try not to think about it and suddenly you will realise it has gone.:hugs: