View Full Version : Forever is a long time to feel like this :(

29-07-11, 13:10
Hi, I've been fine for ages. Had this moveable lump in my jaw/cheek for as long as I can remember the doctor wasn't worried... But now found a new one next to it and I'm just so worried. They are really imbedded above my jawline where the cheek meets the gum. Seeing my gp Monday but finding it hard getting through the day. Trying to b happy for the sake of my 3 young children who Adore and my hubby and mum. But it's hard when I feel like I'm dying inside and don't know if I can deal with this for ever! It's a long time. How is it possible to feel lonely in a room full of people I love? :wacko:

paula lynne
29-07-11, 18:38
Hi Dreena, nice to know you x
I have 2 moveable cysts along my jaw, had them since I was 11. Ive also got a small pea sized one inside my cheek. They are harmless. They do tend to increase in size a little, and can be a bit painful if I happen to touch them (like leaning face on hand for example) but they are harmless. Your GP wasnt worried, so you mustnt be. I know its hard, and you are right forever is a long time to feel like this, but try imagining a good outcome instead of imagining the worst.....talk things out with your husband. Getting our fears off our chest often helps. Best wishes, Paula x:)

29-07-11, 18:46
Hiya, You are obviously going through a very hard time, and i know exactly how you feel! Try to be as strong as you can until you see your GP who will be able to reassure you. :) I'm not sure whether this is the same.. But i have loads of ball bearing sized lumps in my bottom lip, i don't know whether this is normal and not sure if other people have it, but as paula said getting the fears off our chest often helps. I hope you feel better very soon. Good luck x

29-07-11, 20:57
Sounds like a lymph node to me.....it is quite normal to sometimes get an enlarged lymph node, and along the jawline is a common area for them to pop up. It is almost always caused by a minor infection, sometimes through something as small as a scratch that you haven't even noticed. Have you had a cold recently? If so, that's almost certainly it

I know this because I went to hell and back with a naughty node! I had one come up in my neck which caused some suspicion (because of where it was - on my collarbone), and I then scared myself to death by Googling (so DON'T Google! :D). Anyway it turned out to be fine. I now have more, all in my neck, and all fine. Quite often, enlarged lymph nodes take a long time to go back to their original size, and sometimes they never quite do.

The fact it is moveable is excellent. How big is it? Be aware that prodding and poking it will make it swell, so try to leave it alone as much as you can. It is always a good idea to get these things checked out so great news that you are seeing your GP, but I am sure it will be totally fine.

Hope you manage to have a nice weekend

29-07-11, 21:12
Thank you all for ur replies. They really really helped. Iv had a nice night at the fair with my hubby and kids then pizza hut! The distraction helped loads!! And yes prodding it is doing me no favours is it!? Wish I could overcome this, iv suffered for years and have good months and then something like this happens and that's it!

And thinking about it I have a gum infection from when I was pregnant and it never cleared up so that might b something to do with it.

Once again thank you all so much x:D

29-07-11, 21:17
Gum infection - bingo! I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's what it is.

Glad you had a nice evening...distraction is definitely the key. I know that waiting is awful and really feel for you, but try to keep busy (not difficult with 3 kids I'm sure!) and the weekend will fly by.

Best of luck for your doctor's appointment :)

29-07-11, 22:05
Thank you, thanks for taking time to reply. I shall let you know what my doctor said Monday. I've got so much to look forward to this year and the biggest thing is we are spending Xmas at disney in Paris with my hubby kids my mum and her partner. So need to get this out my system do I can b excited bout that! They all totally understand me witch is great, mum especially!! Oh and also a trip to Liverpool for 3 nights with my hubby in October, so I get to spend all the time in the cavern and primark :) (we don't have primark over here lol) so this is why I appreciate your kind comments :)

fretty freda
30-07-11, 01:41
dont worry dreena i found a lump in my neck and i got referred to a specialist even though doc said it was ok and his wife said it was ok they sent me because i was so scared then the specialist said it was ok but did a biopsey i wonder if he was telling the truth when he said im 98 percent sure its nothing but i am not god , he said he only tested it to put my mind at ease ! i have to await results and i like you am very worried !!

you should try to think about primark more as i do to try and stop worrying xx

primark in liverpools great its 3 floars and very organised so you can find stuff its tidy not like manchester one !! i think autum stuff will be in by october i wonder what fashion that will bring i cant wait happy shoppingx

30-07-11, 14:08
Yes iv been ther a few times and the Manchester one and definatly prefer Liverpool! It's such a great place, I'm from jersey so we are quite sheltered here and the best place we have is new look. Not a very big one i must add. We have a small next and bhs, the rest are very expensive shops. Even the food in the uk is amazing! We have one mcdonalds one kfc and one pizza hut! So When we are in the uk we gona bit mad with burger king and subways! (witch is my favourite) lol x

I'm sure u will be fine. Most of the time my doctor sends me to the hospital just for my own peace of mind, although when ur in the throes of anxiety it's so difficult to b positive ay?! X