View Full Version : Stress Burn out.....

29-07-11, 17:02
Seen my doctor today and he thinks Im suffering from stress burn out, he's upped my fluoxetine from 20mg to 40mg a day and says that I should start to feel better soon. Ive been feeling so exhausted, low mood, emotional, worrying repetitively etc. One thing I wanted to ask is, can this sort of condition produce sweating? some days I feel like Im so warm Im sweating, even if its not exceptionally a warm day, it doesnt happen all of the time, just occasionally. Then I can get the opposite of feeling cold all of the time.

paula lynne
29-07-11, 22:20
Hi Butterfly, sweating is one side effect of increased meds yes, as well as sudden changes in body temp fluctuations. Im sure once your brain chemistry gets used to the new dose, this will improve no end. x

30-07-11, 10:12
Thank you that is interesting information x

30-07-11, 11:13
Too much stress can make you feel unwell physically .It always makes me feel like I have a cold coming .Only to never appear ..this link is very informative ,Hope it helps ..Sue


30-07-11, 19:26
Thank you for the very informative website.... :)