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View Full Version : Quite the Last Few Weeks

29-07-11, 17:35
Hey, everyone. I haven't posted in awhile and thought I'd catch up a bit today.

The last few weeks have been interesting. My best friend had to have surgery, an infected bursa in his elbow that burst and spread infection all through his arm. Fortunately, I can work from anywhere there is an active Internet connection, so I stayed with him at the hospital for the several days he was there plus a few more days until his cousin showed up from Massachusetts.

In the middle of all this, I was dealing with head and ear congestion that would not go away with over the counter stuff and home remedies. Once I got him home and in the tender care of his cousin, I went to the doctor and got a couple of shots and a week's worth of oral antibiotics to get rid of my woes.

The antibiotics the doc gave me this time (levaquin and prednisone) are different from what he gave me in the past, and really knocked me flat on my behind. They probably would not have been so potent, but I also have fatigue from my anxiety disorder (although the panic attacks have been almost nil lately, thank God!) so the combination has really made it hard to function.

Yesterday morning, I went with my friend for a followup MRI and x-ray on his arm (they want to make sure the antibiotics he is taking post surgery via a PICC line and help from Home Health are working and there is no infection in the bone proper) and all of a sudden, I felt as weak and tired as could be. Literally, I felt like I was about to pass out I was so tired.

Somehow, I got through the morning, and once we had him home safe and sound, I came home and crashed. I slept most of yesterday afternoon, got up to eat, then went back to bed. I feel some better today, but still not like getting out and about much.

I finished up with my antibiotics Wednesday night, and I'm hoping that yesterday was the worst of it and my energy will begin to pick up a bit as the day progresses. I'm not sure how long it takes for those two drugs to get out of the system, but I hope it will be soon - I've had quite enough of this nonsense.

LOL I never thought I would see the day when I would aspire to only experiencing the fatigue that comes with the anxiety, but here I am! At least with that I can take a break now and then and halfway function with some sense of normality.

Going now, gonna order delivery for lunch and dinner, since I have no intention of trying to cook today. Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

paula lynne
29-07-11, 18:32
Wishing you a speedy recovery x
Your immune system has taken a bashing, its little wonder your exhausted! Having food delivered sounds like a fantastic idea :D you deserve a break. Im sure you will be back to normal fatigue soon hahaha. What a great friend you are going to the hospital with your friend. Take it easy on yourself, rest is important and let the body and mind heal. Have a good weekend yourself :yesyes:

30-07-11, 16:03
Thank you for the kind words, Paula :)

I do feel a little better today, still worn out but not quite as bone weary as I did. This morning brought a quick trip to the grocer to pick up some stuff. What's nice is that more often than not I can now run those kind of errands without having a panic attack - today was an example. While I felt a little anxious, it did not escalate and I got everything on the list and was out of the store before there was the chance for any unpleasant symptoms to manifest.

Actually, I was discussing my predicament with an online acquaintance who is suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She suggested a tonic made with a bit of cinnamon, lemon balm, cayenne powder, lemon juice and raw honey. I had everything in the house but the raw honey, so mixed up the concoction and added some warm water. It did seem to help a bit and I did sleep quite well last night, a good sleep not the fitful sleep of one who feels so tired that it is hard to settle down and get recuperative rest.

I picked up the raw honey this morning also and plan on making another round of the concoction later today, to see if it seems to lift my spirits some more. The spicy sweet combo is pleasant to my taste buds, and I figure in a few days I'll know if it is really doing any good. If so, I'll post back with a specific recipe in case anyone wants to try it.