View Full Version : Moment of truth

Piscian Daydreamer
04-05-06, 17:31
She has a bf.......................
Dam, i really never saw that coming............
.................................................. ........................

Well, i did it anyway, just as i said i would, and i'm proud to say that now i havrnt let anyone down who has been giving me advice and guidance. Thanks again everyone.

She went 'ohhhhh mark, i'm so flattered but actually i have a bf, i thought you knew. She was nice about it, i guess i am gutted but i could see it in her eyes that she admired my honesty and balls.

You lot were right, it takes a big man to get knocked back. I am gutted, but at the same time slightly relieved. If you don't buy a ticket you can't win the lottery, i'm glad i showd the bottle and character to do something like that.

Its given me pure hell this week, and today was terrible really.,,, i'm still anxious in my mind because my dream is over, somehow, i need to get over this and move on.

Thanks alot everyone for letting me share this with you. I'm not sure why God did this to me, but i hope that i have learned a lot of things.

04-05-06, 19:20
Well done you! Sorry it didn't work out as you planned, but give yourself a huge pat on the back.

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

04-05-06, 20:34
Oh mate, I'm sure she admired your balls for doing that. And I for one am very proud of you. Plus you never know, the bf may not last forever. Anyway, a big well done to you for trying.

Shiv x

marie ross
04-05-06, 20:56
Oh i'm really sorry for you but proud of you as well. Well done for doing it, you tried and thats all you could of done.
Keep moving on.

Marie XX

04-05-06, 21:57
im so proud of u for going up. i told you women love honesty.

you just never know what the future brings. im sure youve given her something to think about. either way she will have lovesd your honesty

sounds like a lovely girl you obviously have good taste, but remember there are plenty more fish in the sea. so keep looking, you just never know what tomorrow will bring

go you!
