View Full Version : Think I have cracked it

29-07-11, 21:27
Hi all

Sorry that I have not been around for awhile

I will re cap a little about me.

My panic attacks and anxiety started 2 years ago, it was the night before we were going away on holiday, I have never liked flying but done it because I knew I was going to enjoy myself once I got there. Well the night before I really thought I was going to die, My chest was really tight I felt that I couldn't breathe and had pains in my chest my hubby was in bed asleep as we had an early start so didn't want to wake him, we carried on and went to the airport chest was still tight and felt that I couldn't breathe but I just carried on, as soon as we landed it sort of shifted it was still there but not as bad so was able to enjoy the holiday untill the night before we were due to come home and it all started again.

Went to the docs and they were very understanding said to me it could be anxiety but still sent me for ECG, chest xray and ago on the treadmill but everything was ok.

It got to the stage where all I wanted to do was lay down when I felt like this and nothing got done around the house.

I went back to the docs and said I can't go on like this, I have 2 children to look after and I am not sleeping, he was reluctant but gave me diazapan but I only used as and when I felt I couldn't breathe.

We were struggling with money and my husband didn't know how to tell me that I had to go out to work to help bring in some money but he did and it all started again but I found a job and I love it, Have been there for over a year now.

I think the job has really helped as now I have something else to think sbout, I can't remember the last time I had an attack which is good and I even manged to go on a plane this year and felt really good, I still get sharp pains in my head that make me stop in my tracks but it is not very often now.

I just wanted to share my story with you just to show you will come through the other side, this site really helped to and don't know what I would of done without it.

Thakyou for reading this and sorry it was abit long


paula lynne
29-07-11, 21:31
Julie thats fantastic news, long may it continue! :yahoo::flowers: Paula x

30-07-11, 11:30
Hi Julie,

Your story brought a tear to my eyes as it just reminded me of how I used to be and still can be sometimes...anxiety is a strange thing...it rears its ugly head when you least want it to and sometimes when you dont really know why!!

I used to suffer terriable before I went away and just before I came back...I have conquered it too (for now anyhow)...but like you I have never let it stop me from doing anything...I have just pushed through and in the end it has gone away again!!!

Inspiring story...well done!!! Am so pleased for you cos I know exactly how you felt.

May it continue for you.


30-07-11, 20:32
I just wanted others to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm not saying it has gone for good, there is still signs that I live with but it so much easier now.

I have also had a work colleague who has sadly passed away last week which really hit home she was the same age as me and was suffering from panic attacks and anxiety, she hadn't been in work since end of Febuary, I told my manager that I suffer to and if she wanted to talk could she let her know that I am here and going through the same thing, it turns out that she didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone either she ended up in depression and would not get out of bed, which ended up in her passing away as she got a DVT (blood clot on her lung).

With this I thought I would be back to square one but so far so good, her funeral is on Wednesday but I have decided to work so other members of staff can go that have worked with her longer (I work in a childrens nursery), I feel bad for not going but I am sure she will understand. She will always be in my thoughts and if an attack will raise its ugly head again I will think of her and pull myself through it again I have done it once and can do it again.

Sorry if it was a depressive post but thought I would share it with you and hope it helps.

31-07-11, 11:37
Hi Julie,

So sad about your work colleague...bless her...shame it came to that.

Its kind of you to work and allow others to attend the funeral...she will totally understand.

Keep positive.
