View Full Version : Shoulder Pain worse than ever.

29-07-11, 21:46
A month ago I was diagnosed as having capsulitis or a frozen shoulder. Since then I have arranged a private consultation with a rheumatologist. He is away until 20th August. My shoulder pain is worse than ever. I have very little movement backwards in my shouder. Rotation such as doing up bra straps, threading a belt, tieing my apron are impossible. It scares me that I have less movement in it than a month ago. I cannot take painkillers partly due to my meds (lithium) and other painkillers being allergic to them. I have tried a gel that won't interact with my meds with limited results. My arm becomes numb and sleeping is difficult. I really love my swimming but can only swim on my side at the moment. I feel like a bird with a broken wing. I'm due another steroid injection on the 9th August. I'm wondering whether it will ever get better? Sorry for the moan but I am really feeling low and fed up with it. EJ.

paula lynne
29-07-11, 21:52
Sorry you feel so low EJ :hugs:Living with pain does that to a person doesnt it..
My friend had a very similar problem, and it took several botox injections before the pain went completely. Im sorry the gel isnt working for you. My only suggestion would be heat....lying on a hot water bottle can ease the tension and increase blood flow. It wont take the pain away, but can reduce it a little. Sending hugs x:hugs:

29-07-11, 22:01
Thanks Paula. I'll try the heat. I was seeing a osteopath but the wasn't working. I wasn't aware that botox is used for pain? If it relaxes the spasm then it must be doing some good? EJ

paula lynne
29-07-11, 22:04
Yes, my friend had botox injections in her shoulder.....it basically paralized the muscle (thats why ladies who have botox in their face have no expression...muscles are paralized!) She had repetative strain injury from her computer work...it helped enormously, and after 3/4 injections, didnt have another injection for 6 months. x Hope the heat gives you some relief x

Vanilla Sky
30-07-11, 19:51
I had a frozen shoulder for six months , i was in agony every day , every night, I do not know how i still managed to work . Then i got a cortisone injection and within a week i could lift my arm up again and the movement came back pretty quickly .

01-08-11, 15:11
To Elizabethjane,
Hope you are managing with your bad shoulder.Let us Know how you are going on with it:flowers:

01-08-11, 16:19
Hi is hasn't got any better. I have some freezing gel that takes the edge off the pain. My consultation with the consultant isn't until the 20th August. I expect to have another steroid injection on the 9th August. The last one did not give me much more movement. I am looking at surgery too keeping my options open. There is an op capsular release done as a keyhole day case surgery. If that can help then I might ask about that too. EJ.

02-08-11, 16:22
Hi Elizabeth, I'm sorry to hear that your in so much pain with this ... I was told i had frozen shoulder last year & my doctor told me to use ICE PACKS on it and i did and it REALLY REALLY helped me so please give this a try :) ....helpful hint here is to use a frozen pack of veggies as this you can form to your shoulder :) hope this gives you some relief