View Full Version : dizzy and terrified

04-05-06, 18:33
I am a 28 year old female with some serious health anxiety issues. I've been having vertigo for 2 weeks and 3 days now. I've been to 3 different doctors a total of 5 times. The first one diagnosed me with an inner ear virus that we shouldn't start panicking about unless it lasted over a month. Are you KIDDING me?!! Of course, I am convinced of a brain tumor. I scheduled an appointment with an ENT, but they won't see me til I have a hearing test. I saw my GP for the 3rd time yesterday morning and told her that I felt "foggy," a tingling in my left arm, and clumsier. I asked her if maybe we should do a brain scan. She was like yeah, okay we can do that and orders an MRI with contrast!! What?! This is after she said I didn't need one the first time I saw her. Does this mean that SHE thinks I have a brain tumor as well? I'm freaking out here! Someone PLEASE, PLEASE reply.

04-05-06, 18:37
hi there i can sympathise with you ive had a serious health anxiety for 10 years now and each ache and pain is serious i think your doc just agreed to a brain scan to please you ive been dizzy on and off for 3 months now and i know its my anxiety and it helps me big time this site hope you feel better soon you are not alone x

04-05-06, 19:17
Hi, if your doctor knows you well prehaps she knows that your mind will be put at rest better if you have and MrI and contrast scan. Vertigo is awful, my mum had it for a few weeks recently, then it just went.

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

04-05-06, 20:57
I have been diagnosed with benign positional particle vertigo which is when crystals in the ear get dislodged and float wrong in the fluid in the ear but is nothing serious although was terrifying when I first got it - it felt like the floor was coming at me and i sometimes fell out of bed... I have had several Epley maneouvres which helped but now I know that I get bouts of it and just put up with it - sometimes I make an appt but usually it settles again before the appt comes up!!!

It is really horrible and frightening but honestly there are loads of things that can cause vertigo - it's usually viral (although mine wasn't) and there are some tablets you can take which do help.

Apparently I have been told that brain tumours cause very little in the way of symptoms and only really really rarely cause some dizziness... If it came on quite suddenly then you should be reassured - but they should check to see if it is bppv like mine....

Don't panic - there are so many reasons for dizziness other than these ear things too...

good luck xxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

04-05-06, 21:39
this definitely means she doesnt think you need one but has given into you because she can see your fear. im sure her instinct is that these tests are not essential but that if they give you some peace then they are worth it

dont you deep down agree


05-05-06, 11:25
I have vertigo and it is not very nice but it is treatable. When I had my first symptom (over 20 yrs ago) i thought i had a brain tunour - I didn't I'm still here. The dozziness comes and goes. There are meds that they give you to help and I do balance re-training exercises after seeing a balance therapist 4 years ago, they made such a difference. After 17 yrs I was able to sleep on my right side again, and after an attack I was able to go to work and not feel spaced out. Its a horrible feeling but it will pass and it can be treated. So please don't worry - I'm still standing!!! [8D]

05-05-06, 17:31
Did I say 'dozziness' must be going dozy!! [Oops!] I posted some things I found helpful on another topic about dizziness which you might find useful too. Hoping you feel better soon ;)

08-05-06, 15:04
I have been through the same thing a you - I was feeling light headed and weird for about 4 months. I'm afraid that its a vicious circle though because the more you worry about it the worse the dizziness gets and so you worry about it some more. I ended up being send for an MRI scan - not that they suspected anything sinister but really just to shut me up. It is most likely to be anxiety causing this or perhaps an inner ear viral type of thing. Feege is right, dizziness is very very rarely one of the symptoms of a brain tumor. Besides, your doctor would have sent you straight away for a scan if she suspected anything at all and is probably only sending you now to put your mind at rest. Try not to panic. Go for your scan and when it comes back normal you will be reassured.