View Full Version : Is this it, is this what my life is.

29-07-11, 22:35

Ok so I have been having panic attacks since I was 16 so for ten years, I have been on medication 4 maybe 5 times but after I come off of them my panic attacks always come back maybe not for a few weeks even months but they always do, why? Is this is what my life is going to be like forever feeling ok and then like rubbish because of these stupid things, I just want to be normal but I am scared I never will be well i know i never will be completely normal I mean who is but I would like to feel it.
Im so angrey andjust feel like saying why me its not fair but then I feel guilty because there are millions of people 1000 times worse off than me!
Is there anyone out there who has genuinely got rid of them for good, I mean so that they have gone forever(so far).
I am sorry for my rant I am having a bit of a bad few days, Im not really a moany person I just feel a bit rubbish!!
Any replies or anything at all that mmakes you feel better would be great thanks!!
Hannah x x

paula lynne
29-07-11, 22:55
This man has, and Im forwarding you the info he sent me Hannah. Hang in there x

30-07-11, 18:43
Thank you Paula Lynn, I read the info its very interesting.
I just want to know if there is anyone on here who has actually stopped having panic attacks I mean I am not under the impression that they will go forever and I will never have another panicky or anxious feeling but its the actual panic attacks that I want to know if people ahve stopped having.
Anyone?? x x x

31-07-11, 15:49
Don't worry, many people stop having anxiety.


31-07-11, 16:00
I don't have panic attacks anymore Hannah if that gives you hope.

07-08-11, 16:30
Hi Hannah not sure if this is any use to you but I had panic attacks for around 10 years. I had my first panic attack when I was 23 and it was on a bus which then hindered me for years travelling to work and generally having a life. I changed jobs 3 years ago which was so hard as I was there 11 years but I needed to change something, anything. I tried one job which didn't work out and then moved on to another which I have currently been at for 2 years now. My panic attacks have stopped for almost a year now, I'm not 100% sure how this happened but I started listening to relaxation videos before bed or audio books, writing stories, exercising like yoga or tai chi and meditation, writing down my goals in life. I still feel panicky and stressed but never a full blown attack. I think you need to accept it rather than fight it. I think my first steps were talking it out with people around me. Everytime I felt panicky I would get up and get a glass of water and it sounds silly but I found a favourite tune a happy song even which I sing in my head to distract me. I could never take medication because it made me panic more, everyone is different and sometimes you need to find things that work for you and most importantly that make you happy. Sorry for babbling on I find these things hard to explain but it would be great if you could find your way. :)

07-08-11, 20:32
Hi Stina,
Thank you so much for your lovely post it has helped a lot so thank you, I am going to be trying all the things that you said because I really want to try a lot of natural things and it is so good to hear that you have stopped having the full blown panic attacks it really does make me feel better.
Thank you again!!