View Full Version : Is this normal?

29-07-11, 23:07
For the last few weeks my right arm and right sise starting from underneth my arm down to my waist has been very stiff. The only thing I canthink of is that I lie on my left side to read and to write on the computer so I guess I use that side more than my left. Or is there some bad disease that causes these muscles to be stiff? Please anyone else have muscle stiffness in one side????

paula lynne
29-07-11, 23:11
It sounds like maybe youve been sitting in the same position for a while, muscles have a tendency to stiffen up, especially if you use one side more than the other, the other side will stiffen up to compensate. Have a day off from the computer tomorrow and go for a relaxing walk or potter around the garden. Heat applied to the area can ease tension so a heat pad or hot water bottle may be helpful x Paula x

29-07-11, 23:14
Thanks Ill try that....

30-07-11, 00:27
I guess it depends on how stiff, if you can barely move that side when then you do have a bit of problem.
if it's just general stiffness, then some light exercise and warm baths should help : )
Try and do some arm movements every so many hours.

30-07-11, 00:53
I do Mishel but my side feels stiff on walking around and my right arm hurts in the joints and also feels heavy weakand achy....my side did.this a day or two ago and my arm feels weak but I can do things with it but I use my right arm typing so im tjinking its got something to do with that and the muscles are maybe stiff from holding my arm typing,,,,I hope thats all.

30-07-11, 01:30
My right arm has been bothering me for weeks. It hurts at the elbow and at the shoulder and wrist. The muscles feel tight and underneath the arm the skin has a weird sensation kind of like numbness but not really. When I rest the arm on something it feels like the skin is super sensitive and just plain weird. The arm feels week but not really weak and the blood doesnt feel like its flowing correctly yet the arm functions. I usually hold my ipad with my left hand and type with my right,could all of this be caused by just that?

30-07-11, 04:23
does it feel stiff, in the way, I would sit with my legs crossed for ages and them when I walk my legs feel stiff?

If I type or use my iPod a lot, it makes my fingers stiff and I get pain in the joints, mainly in the thumb.

I get odd aches and pains in my joints, wrists, shoulders, knees, ankles etc..
But don't get them every day so I think I am kinda ok : )
Also when I get the pains, my joints will click too.

my right arm is sore now from typing and holding it up, the way I am sitting my right arm, it's higher up than my left one,

I get sharp pains in my elbow, maybe it's tennis elbow? Over use and repetitiveness movement can cause it.

Pain on the outer part of elbow

Gripping and movements of the wrist hurt, especially wrist extensionand lifting movements., lifting with your palm facing down causing pain,

Morning stiffness

""The symptoms associated with tennis elbow are, but are not limited to: radiating pain from the outside of your elbow to your forearm and wrist, pain during extension of wrist,weakness of the forearm, a painful grip while shaking hands or torquing a doorknob, and not being able to hold relatively heavy items in the hand""

It could also be a nerve thing that's causing the sensitivity, when my back acts up I get odd feelings in my arms from shooting electric type pain to buzzing and numbness.

30-07-11, 04:35
Could be im just old:) Funny thing is I hold my ipad up with my left hand and there is no problem but hen I type with my right arm above my head ,which this makes my right arm hurt and right ribcage and right shoulder hurt and possibly my neck but then again maybe its my neck making everything hurt ) When I say stiffness ,it feels like something is streching out of shape in my ribcage and side. I suppose you could get a feeling what im talking about. Take a piece of tape or several and put it on your ribcage now bend over or move your body from side to side and you can feel the pull thts what im talking about. I sometimes have morning stiffness in my knees and one of my calfs but since I have walking everyday it seems better