View Full Version : not feeling myself

04-05-06, 18:59
Hi all

Im feeling really up tight and very emotional at the moment Im still getting very panicky mainly monday to friday in work situations. Then at the weekends the thought of the week ahead is always planted at the back of my mind.

I feel like its a never ending cycle and I just want to hop off for a break, to be honest I feel at breaking point-am worried am having a nervous breakdown or am going mad, this is my greatest fear.

My head feels so 'foggy' and I sometimes find it hard to string a sentence together properly people think im dizzy im not its just the horrible symptoms im getting-im withdrawing as well in work and hardly talk to anyone all day as its a struggle to get thro a whole day i have to concentrate and im always thinking have i breathed right am i dizzy.

To other people they think im ok but inside i dont know what the hells going on

pls pls give me some comforting words.

04-05-06, 19:25
I'm so sorry you are feeling this way.

I go through phases where I feel the exact same way. I feel like a walking zombie and would rather not talk to anyone, but just get my job done and get out.

I have been walking on my lunch, and trying to eat better..it does help.

You are not going crazy.

Take care.

04-05-06, 19:44
Hi kelly

thank you so much for your reply and reassurence it means alot.

I feel like a zombie too, i work in a massive open plan office and feel like i may pass out or die any minute-i also find it hard to walk in a straight line some days.

ive started bringing lots of fruit and veg into my diet and lots of water.

TC hun

04-05-06, 19:47
Those are wonderful things to add to your diet.

Everytime you feel that way try to think to youself..that it will pass. You aren't always going to feel this way. It will pass, the more you feed your fear the worse it will become. Believe me I know..first hand.

04-05-06, 19:55
Thank you again kelly its always so reassuring to know that someone else understands.

And yes it will pass its just extremley uncomfortable at the time, im like a rollercoaster throughout the day-one minute fine next minute feelings of something horrid will happen to me in front of people?.

04-05-06, 21:58
yeah sounds like the vicious circle that is my day

girls you are not alone


april tones
05-05-06, 23:49
Hiya, i know the feeling! i have been feeling panic free for a while again but feeling agitaed and keeping everything in about things,my relationship,ocd,friends and i have just let it all out to partner now and wasnt that bad! xxxxx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com