View Full Version : 5HTP Update

30-07-11, 16:13
My 5htp arrived yesterday and I was already really tired so was a bit wary of taking one, but took a tablet before bed and slept really well. I awoke feeling suprisingly better than usual, actually wanted to get up and felt quite possitive for a change. It's now late afternoon and still feeling fine, only very slight pangs of anxiety when I heard ambulances pass, but the grim mood didn't continue as it normally does. I really hope the 5htp is working but I know it's early days yet. The only side effect I've felt is that I had a very strong dream but not a nightmare really.:)

31-07-11, 00:37
Great to hear, tempted to try it.

31-07-11, 09:49
I tried this, I took half a capsule 50mg. It gave me severe panic attacks that continued for hours one after another.

31-07-11, 19:59
That's terrible mohc, I guess it's not going to work for everyone, and maybe some brands are better than others. I got the Healthspan 100mg tablets. I had another last night and I'm still okay, although I am getting a kind of spongy feeling in my head, same feeling I got years ago when on AD's and ready for the next tablet, it was kind of a warning sign that the tabs were wearing off. Not unpleasant though, just feels a bit strange. That might not be anything to do with the 5htp's.
It might be worth a try uk23, can't really go off other peoples experiences with it cause they all seem different.lol

31-07-11, 20:06
What is 5htp?

31-07-11, 20:26
I've tried these on and off. Got loads from an online health thing a few months backa nd hadn't bothered with it. Until i thought of taking some on Fri eve as I was thinking I should stop taking sleeping tabs to help sleep and also that they may be making depression worse, bla bla. So anyway, took 300mg (got a bit carried away) on Friday eve and this is what i replied to a mail the next day when asked what happened.....

"well, made me feel slightly drowsy but that sort where you just feel body sleepy but brain awake. so not much sleep Fri night but never had to get up til 12. so, anyway then decided to take 1 yesterday morning before I left the house to see what happened. so think its ok coz I had a really nice afternoon at ealing jazz festival with mates. however had some cider so prob would have had fun anyway. Hm. now in Datchett for a boat cruise and picnic with family and took one this am. but did have a cheeky temaz last eve to make sure I slept. so I think I'm going to take one in the morning now and see what happens."

Update - So, totally can see why it could casue panics, since it did make my heart race all night and the thinknig got out of control, but I didn't actually panic. For the last 3 weeks or so, i've had what I call 'walking through treacle' which i guess translates as total depression (called docs, had emergency app last week all that stuff). So, anyway, when I'm like that, my brain is 'way' past giving a toss about anything as so refuses or doesn't bother panicing... Oh, so if you are still panicing in my experience in my body it means I'm still 'fighting' and haven't 'given up' which is possibly a good thing in retrospect...

Soz, totally off-topic. So, Anyway, 5HTP is supposed to raise serotonin levels (think its some plant derived sourse), but it's a 'pre-cursor' to serotonin in the brain... So, it doesn't surprise me when it has similar effects to anti-depressants in the start-up... (personally only ever took ads once and it sent me mental, but I was in a hyper / panic stage, not a depression stage, so realise probably the worst time to even think about starting them).

Onwards - I'm going to take one (100mg) every morning and see how it goes. I'm really bad at sticking with anything for long - I've read that like ads you need to give them a month or so.....

Hope some of this at least helps, or even makes sense......

Lots of love, Hyper xxx

31-07-11, 20:30
ps, mental dreams too, and yeah, feather, family day out started good, but ended up feeling depressed again, so i 'get' your description of them 'wearing off'.... but I don't think i should take more near the eve as i fear i will never sleep....

hmm decisions - not good at them...


31-07-11, 20:31
So is it a natural medicine then?

31-07-11, 20:39
yep - natural..... its an amino acid technically....


there is also something else called tryptophan (spelling bloody terrible) which is similar...


PS just took one... (Mum upset me on the family thing today) I know I shouldn';t even let her do this, but oh, I get sucked in......

31-07-11, 21:13
Says on the box that you should take them for a Month and then come off them for a Month before taking them again, so you won't become immune to them. I'm definately going to keep taking the one every night, and maybe I'll try during the afternoon sometime but only when I'm in for the day just incase they make me too tired.

31-07-11, 22:15
ooo didn't realise you had to have breaks!! So, just when I get into a routine, I'll have to remmeber to break it?? Ohh I'm so not gonna be able to keep that up....... lol!! xxx

Keep us posted on how you go with it...

03-08-11, 18:31
so, I never took any more, the sleep got worse, and I had a stomach ache whihc was unuaual for me and then I scared myself about taking things I didn't know it was! So, on a plus point, I've been feeling great (SINCE I STOPPED!!!!), so i don'te know that ifit tells me they worked or that they didn't...............hmmmmm

I did howver bring these up with my gp today as I was concerned about taking anything like this on a long-term basis.. She said that she'd work with me and monitor me (in case I get too hyper) if I was to take anything like this is they can be as strong as 'drug' antidepressants which is both scary and sort of good at the same time. So, I am going to go on holidays and then when i come back if i decide to come back to these, I'll involve her and then she can advise me on how much and when which very reassuring.

Keep me posted on how you guys are doing...

xxxx Hyper xxxx

03-08-11, 18:32
ps, sorry about the bad spelling and grammar!! I wish I could blame my computer, but I just type too fast!!!!

03-08-11, 21:08
Hi hyper, I'm still taking one every night and apart from a little health anxiety I've been okay, although this morning I had my first low mood since starting them, hope it was a one off and they're not wearing off already. I've also had some belly ache and bloating which I find more annoying than anything. I'm still feeling fairly possitive about them. Oh, I got it wrong about when to stop taking them. It says on the box to take for 3 months then come off them for one month before using again. Sounds like you have a good doctor hyper.

14-09-11, 17:14
How you all getting on? Just started mine today!