View Full Version : Ear ringing, ear pains?

30-07-11, 19:01
Just to let you know, I am suffering from Depression and Anxiety (which seems to have manifested into HA, I am convinced I have a brain tumour :weep:)

I've been suffering with the usual headaches caused by anxiety, stiff neck ect. I wont go into that now, or I will just get my self into the whole 'I have a brain tumour' frame of mind, which I have slowly been coming out of, thankfully. I should bloody well be out with my friends having a good time, not worrying about death at 18 years old.

So recently, I have been getting dull pain, almost a 'full' feeling in my cheeks. It stings very slightly when I breath through my nose.
In addition, I have been getting short bursts of earache.
But the worrying thing, recently I have noticed I have been getting tinnitus. My ears (mostly the left, but occasionally the right) have been almost phasing out, giving me a dull sense of sound which is replaced by a high pitched ringing lasting 10/15 seconds and then leaves.

Do you reckon this is some sort of sinus problem? Ill be heading to the docs on monday. But for now, I need to be reassured its not a bloody brain tumour again. ..

24-09-11, 21:02
Im suffering with the same right now, my ear feels really achy and heavy and i occasionly get a ringing but it only lasts a few secs then gos. did u get it sorted? x

25-09-11, 08:07
It could be that your ears are blocked by wax, the ear noises are very often caused by that, or even might be to do with the sinuses. Either way a doctor will be able to tell you on Monday. Please don't worry too much about it, I have to have my left ear syringed every year, but the other ear never needs doing - :D

25-09-11, 09:13
I'll second that! Almost certainly down to ear wax as I had a similar problem recently. Didn't realise how deaf I'd gone until I had them syringed..... what a difference!