View Full Version : What's happening to me? :'(

30-07-11, 20:00
I don't understand what is going on, i have such bad stomach pains and acid, it's so tender to touch. When i eat and drink it doesn't make the slightest difference accept sometimes make me feel worse. Ive been on omeprazole and it hasn't done A THING, i drank some coke today and im regretting it now, i feel as if im going to pass out any minute, my head is all dizzy and i keep burping up sick. I'm not really sure what to do anymore, I have been bursting for the toilet so went, and only a little bit came out, i havn't got a urine infection because ive had tests for that and it says i havn't got one, so im scared im going to drink more than im allowed and drown myself, even though i don't drink that much and im already EXTREMELY bloated. Im not sure whether to eat anything tonight for dinner because i feel like im so bloated ill explode, even though im hungry. ERgh i just don't know what to do.. feel like giving up:'(

30-07-11, 20:13
Do you suffer from acid reflux?

Coke it the worse drink ever. It gives you bad gas and It's terrible for anxiety because of the caffine content.

Try some cooled boiled water and allow your tummy to settle for a bit and then have something bland to eat, like toast. If you don't eat, it will just make you feel worse hun.

Hope you feel better soon


30-07-11, 20:16
Thankyou :)

The doctor said i could possibly have a stomach ulcer, but i havn't been able to get an appointment for about 2 weeks since she said to try the omeprazole and see how it goes for a week. So really worried its burst or something bad as happened. :( x

30-07-11, 20:19
I always find peppermint tea aids a dodgy stomach. Very refreshing too, helps me a lot when I'm feeling anxious.

30-07-11, 20:22
Thankyou :)

The doctor said i could possibly have a stomach ulcer, but i havn't been able to get an appointment for about 2 weeks since she said to try the omeprazole and see how it goes for a week. So really worried its burst or something bad as happened. :( x

Look if you are really worried then ring NHS 24 but it doesn't sound like a burst ulser to me. I know 2 people this has happened to in the past and doesn't sound similar.
