View Full Version : Health anxiety and weight gain

anx mum
30-07-11, 20:22
Many of my friends on here know ive had a rough time due to health anxiety, feel alot better not 100% now ive got a problem with eating since the birth of my daughter im binge eating and dont know how 2 stop. One of my meds causes increase in eating really unhappy go 2 gym but what good is it doing.

14-08-11, 20:52
Hi. certain anti depresseants side effects are weight gain. my bro is on one and his put a bit of weight on to x

14-08-11, 21:05
Im not on medication but i do know that when im suffering really bad anxiety i seem to really eat for comfort.. not good! Im a mum of two so gained loads of weight anyway and then this isnt helping, im dieting now though and exercising, sorry not been much help x

14-08-11, 21:58
Hi There. I know exactly what you mean. I've gained so much weight in recent years, I actually feel sick to look in the mirror. You should definitely keep going to the gym as it releases endorphins which will lift your mood and really help with the anxiety. Also if you feel the overeating is becoming a problem ask your doctor for some appetite suppressants. I'm currently taking some that you chew up with water and they swell in your stomach to make you feel fuller. They don't go into your bloodstream so don't interfere with any meds you're on. It's so frustrating isn't it, it never ends,the weight gain causes anxiety then the anxiety causes more weight gain. Hope this helps. I'm always here for a chat just private message me. All the best xxx

14-08-11, 23:15
Hi there,
Ive had my HA since my mum died suddenly in 2008 and i have balloned since then :( i was very overweight before and lost 4 stone and felt wonderful, but since mum died ive put it all back on and more. I am appauled at my size/look, i look and feel hideous, im not exagerating either, its not a wee bit of a stomach, i have huge spare tyers that i doubt i would ever be able to get rid of now, and its getting to the stage i wont go out (socially) anymore and i NEVER allow anyone to photograph me.
I want to get healthy so so much, im 40 this november and so wanted to look nice for that birthday but i know it wont happen -my anxiety stops me from even going out for a walk as im so fearful that something may happen to me, so how on earth can i lose any weight?? I just sit here, feeling crap and stuffing my face which makes me feel even more crap
Its just a disaster!!!
Well done on going to the gym, i only wish i had the strength to follow your example!