View Full Version : Weight loss plan.

30-07-11, 21:09
Hi there. :)

Basically ive been trying for so long to loose wieght and its just not working at all.

So this may be a weird question but i really need some help with some kind of weight loss plan. I wanted to find someone on here who i could regulary email and help keep me motivated and help design a plan for me to loose weight.

I am 16 years old and i weigh about 9stone 5, and i know im only young, but i am so self concious and uncomfortable with the way i look, i just want to loose some weight healthily.

I horse ride sometimes, i have a active job, and i don't really have time to excercise as im so worn out by the end of the day.

Thankyou for anyones help :)

30-07-11, 21:09
Oh and im 5ft 1 lol

30-07-11, 22:12
Please anyone?

31-07-11, 00:05
see your doctor he will help you
god bless

31-07-11, 00:20
Why don't you join a group like Weight Watchers, Rosemary Conley or Slimming world.

You will get exactly what you need there