View Full Version : Anybody suffer with these symtoms-Carnt Cope MS?

04-05-06, 21:05
Hello, sorry to leave another thread but I'm sitting at my computer nearly in tears of worry and was hoping somebody can reassure me?

My wife appears to of given up on me, does not listen anymore, just says it's anxiety and calm down (we all know it's hard).

Since I last seen the doctor (Wednesday), its now Friday and I appear to of got worse (well my anxiety as).

* Tingle sensations in arms and legs.
* Tingle sensations in hands and feet.
* Arms, legs and shoulders ache
* Joints crack when moving arms and legs.

I was fine up until Sunday but since I have had this I have noticed my frequent urination and headaches have disappeared (anxiety).

Please could somebody tell me if these are anxiety symtoms.

I had blood tests etc in March because a blood test showed that I could of had a blood clot but in the end everything was normal.

Would they of spotted something then but then again this only started last Sunday?

I'm sitting here worrying that I have got MS (can MS appear this quick)?

According to NHS website I have the symtoms.

My breathing appears normal, which several stories on the forum say breathing wrong can cause these sensations.


04-05-06, 21:37
tony i can assure you that tingling in the hands and feet is so common with anxiety. as for the creaking in your limbs this could simply mean your joints are not as fit as they used to be because your mind is preoccupied with all this fear.

as for the aching thing, there are days when it would be easier for me to explain where didnt ache, my shoulders and arms etc are so tensed and stressed that they become sore and tender

i hope tis helps


april tones
04-05-06, 22:11
hi tony, i have replied on your other posts x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

05-05-06, 11:58
My joints click and stuff when they move. One of my shoulders aches too actually.

05-05-06, 17:49
I have been onto the NHS website under MS and I have several of those symtoms, I have left work early in panic.

The frequent urination (had since August but has been better since these tingles and the tingles in arms and legs 24/7 since last Sunday.

I'm crying as i type this......not sure how to cope anymore!

05-05-06, 18:07
reddevil ms is the most common fear as our symptoms most closely relate to it but i t is anxiety

have you read the claire weekes book describing your exact fear and more


05-05-06, 22:22
also tony another girl on the site had this blood test and it was high suggesting a clot but nothing was found. this test is called a d dimer and is very unpredictible, it is elevated by pregnancy, cold or flu and many other things, so doctors warn against reading too much into the results from it

im sure lisa wont mind me telling you this,


06-05-06, 07:47
If these tingles (pins and needles trype of sensations) and aches are caused from anxiety, could it last this long (4 days)?

I'm worrying over it being a little long for anxiety as people on the forum say it comes and goes with them.

I'm also worrying that it appears everywhere (arms and feet), is this a better sign of it being anxiety?

06-05-06, 08:04
Reddevil - please don't worry, I know how scary this can be but it is definitely anxiety. I had pins and needles, tingling and complete numbness for months. I also was absolutely convinced I had MS for a long time (courtesy of list of exact same symptoms on NHS website) - I even had a leg which would jerk by itself! All anxiety and muscle tension and probably changes in oxygen/carb dioxide levels in blood through breathing wrongly. Forget about it, try and relax and divert yourself and it will hopefully go away or, like always seems to happen, change into another symptom just when you're getting used to it!

07-05-06, 00:20
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">also tony another girl on the site had this blood test and it was high suggesting a clot but nothing was found. this test is called a d dimer and is very unpredictible, it is elevated by pregnancy, cold or flu and many other things, so doctors warn against reading too much into the results from it

im sure lisa wont mind me telling you this,

<div align="right">Originally posted by jackie - 05 May 2006 : 23:22:51</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

No Jackie of course I don't mind at all.


Jackie is right regarding the d-dimer test, they are only useful if they are negative really as that rules stuff out, but they can be positive for many reasons as Jackie explained and it doesn't always mean anything is wrong. I had a high value and didn't have a cold or any infection at the time, it was just a mystery but no doctor was worried about it.

I have replied about clicking joints on your other post.


07-05-06, 09:42

I'm on my 5th day with these tingles in the hands and feet.

If it is anxiety, can this go on until my mind is satisfied?


07-05-06, 22:25
My finger tingles start when I wake up too,my foot feels funny too, I'm pretty sure they would be present when sleeping too if it was MS...As soon as I get up and start thinking about them, they hit me...I think I need to see a psychiatrist, my wife is getting upset with me but I can't help feeling this way..This anxiety sucks

april tones
07-05-06, 22:55
The only way to resolve this is speak to gp! get tested for things, have mri to rule out
I had mri for my symtoms and other tests and they diagnosed me with fibromyalgia, i worried of ms

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

08-05-06, 00:47
I just replied to another message about the MS fear... im right there with you. I seriously have all of the symptoms. No doctors take me seriously though. I also can relate about what you said about your wife. With me its my husband though. I know I am such a pain in the ass, but I feel like I could be dead on the floor, and he will blame anxiety. Im not sure what the right response would be, but it drives me nuts.


08-05-06, 08:10
I'm worried about going to the doctors again, the reception people must think 'NOT AGAIN', so I'm not sure if I can go and see my doctor again!

08-05-06, 10:27
Not sure if this is of any help?


It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS.

08-05-06, 12:43
I have been looking at the above website and pins and needles are mentioned in the hands but not the feet?

Also, I feel my breathing is normal but would we be able to tell?

I'm currently on 50mg of amitriptyline but still appear to be suffering from these tingle sensations in the hands and mainly the feet with knees aching.

08-05-06, 17:33

I totally relate to you. I have had these symptoms now for over a year. So bad I have had to give up work. Have even called an ambulance one day last summer as thought I had a stroke as my left side of my body wasn't working. My speech was slurred, vision in left eye not right and legs ached and were heavy and generally felt very very poorly. Had a CT scan in A&E all normal. Saw a neurologist who did an MRI of the brian - all normal. Was still convinced I had MS so paid privately for Evoked Potential Tests - all normal.

I have to now accept that it is just anxiety - although there is no JUST about it - this is so hard for us all and I find it very hard to understand that your thoughts can make you feel so physically unwell. Hey, at least you know you are not alone !

Good luck

Love N Light


08-05-06, 18:14

I have been reading through the forum looking at people who appear to have simular symtoms.

What has made me panic more is that mine are lasting and never going away where as other people are having them for short periods of time.

I'm just not sure about this anxiety at all, it's seems like a spell has been casted over me and will not let me free again!


08-05-06, 18:21
Hi Tony

Mine have been constant for 12 months so please take some comfort from that xxxx

09-05-06, 16:33
The topic calles MS on the general anxiety forum has got me thinking and worried!


april tones
09-05-06, 22:25
Its me not ms! there was mix up, xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

13-05-06, 08:05
Hi all,

I went to the doctors with my fear of MS and as we all new, it was anxiety related. The doctor did tests on the body and explained MS to me.

He has also suggested I take my tablets four times a day instead of all at night.


13-05-06, 23:17
I hope by the time you read this posting that you're feeling better. I'd like to say that I too have had the symptoms you describe - also thought it was something awful. I can promise you that it's classic anxiety that's making you feel this way. As awful as it feels, it's not life threatening.

I find it very difficult to accept that my body isn't working to optimum levels 100% of the time, and that it's quite normal to get a pain here and a twinge there. Don't know if anyone else feels like this.

I'm a frequent visitor at my doctors. I've managed to build a good relationship with them by taking old magazines for the reception (ha ha ha).

"My cats keep me sane"

15-05-06, 21:18
hi i have all these ms symptoms too last year they put me in hospital because they suspecred ms even the mri showed up microscopic spots on the brain after doing a lumber punction they confirmed it wasnt ms at all ive been scared out of my mind ever since

19-05-06, 16:25
Hey there Don't Worry as I am sure this too Shall pass.I have to say that I am very thankful for this forum. I started having panicdisorder again after a period of 7 years This is the first timeI have ever sought help for this disorder. I have litteraly been so keyed up over it. I wasput on lexapro but after 2 days of it I quit. I am still having problemswith rational though
:ast weel I though I had Rabies, fiday I thought I was having a heart attack. I have been going to doctors who also tested me for MS. He say the MRI is normal and diagnosed me with
an adrenal disdorder. Now I freek out because I am on a cortisteroid to keep my blood pressure up, klonopin, and a pottassium suppement I am having jerking sensations while falling asleep. and it scares me to go to sleepbecause the minute I driftoff. I gasp awake and start shaking. I am so tired of fear comsuming my every waking moment. I know that it will get better. It has to. I started out with 1 attack I ended up with constant state of panic ands fears of dying. specially when I lay down to sleep. i have even thought I would go crazy.I hope this helps You are not alone. I promise....take care

worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere

22-05-06, 11:15
hi tony my husband has ms and he never had any of those symtons