View Full Version : Long train journey - DVT

30-07-11, 22:00
Only I could worry about this!
In a few days my husband and I are going on a heritage steam train trip for his birthday and the outward journey is 5 hrs with a 2hr break in a city and then another 5 hr journey back home.
I did similar trip last year but the journey time was ony 3 hrs each way so this did not worry me.
I am thinking if I can to get up and walk to end of carriage once every hour and to drink lots of water. I already take garlic and fish oil supplements but anyone any other tips?

30-07-11, 22:11
what a lovely day out Country girl :)

please dont worry .........do your walks and drink lots of water .....and do ankle turns in your seat clockwise and anti clock wise ...while you drink in the lovely countryside and views from your window .:hugs:

you are not in danger whatsoever doing what you plan at all .
the benefit of such a lovely time out I hope will make you both feel very relaxed and happy . xx

30-07-11, 22:13
I hear asprin can help, but I'm not 100% on that,
Also you can get tight sock things to wear on your legs which reduce the risk.
you've often spend a day at home with not much walking about so think of the like being at home, take a walk every so often, if the bathrooms big enough maybe jog on the spot.
people travel all the time wit out even getting out of their seat lol

31-07-11, 17:39
Thanks both as I said only I could worry about this!

I cannot take aspirin due to tummy problems but liked the idea of jogging on the spot in the toilet compartment - the last time I was on this train I had just sat on the toilet and the train hit a very bad bit of track and everyone i was told nearly shot out of their seat but it was much more intereting in the toilet as the toilet was about a foot away from the window but thanfully they had put bars across the window as I shot forward and nearly headbutted the window but I grabbed the bars and saved myself.

31-07-11, 17:44
lol sorry I forgot the bathroom area too would be shaky like the rest of the train.
doing leg exercises while in your seat seems to be the way to go, also if you can rest your legs up on the seat across from you : )