View Full Version : Hi

30-07-11, 22:10
Hi, just a brief history, nothing too exciting I'm afraid. I'm 57 and have was diagnosed as clinically depressed just over 3 years ago after suffering a breakdown while on holiday. Started out on Fluoxitine, which seemed to make matter worse, switched to Citalopram, then increased dose to 40mg. Things were going fine until around 2 months ago when I started suffering panic attacks. changed to Mirtazapine 30mg about 3 weeks ago. Trouble is they have given me IRS, irritable leg syndrome, which is terrible and means I cant settle down in bed so in turn, lack of sleep. Great. Doc has now prescribed Pramipexole to try and sort this out. When does it ever end,lol. Apart from that I am a fairly normal guy who just wants to get back to "normal".

30-07-11, 22:12
Hi maltloaf

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

30-07-11, 22:17
hi maltloaf.............welcome :)

31-07-11, 17:00
Hi Maltloaf

It's really annoying when the tablets to help one thing go on to cause another problem. Does the doc think IRS is a temporary side effect? You may well get better as your body gets used to the Mirt.

You'll find stacks of help on here from others in similar circumstances. Welcome to NMP Maltloaf.

Tyke :)

paula lynne
31-07-11, 17:34
Welcome to the forum Maltloaf! Id say that was exciting enough wouldnt you..:blush:
Hope things settle down for you soon. The advice in the left hand column is fantastic, have a read. Nice to have you on board! :welcome:

01-08-11, 16:20
Hi maltloaf and:welcome:to the forum.

01-08-11, 20:17
Hello and welcome to NMP. I hope you find the advice and help you are looking for here an maybe make a few friends in the process.
