View Full Version : Citalopram, worth starting on 5mg a day?

31-07-11, 09:14
Morning all, just looking for some advice really. I've been staring at my 10 mg packet of Citalopram for a good week now just wondering what to do. I've read somewhere that some people have half a tablet to start off which aids with the side effects. Should I start on the 10mg as advised by Dr or should I go for it a bit more gradually and start with 5?
Lucy x

31-07-11, 09:45
Lucy, I think not 10mg is a really low dose just try it you will probably not notice any difference for the first few days. Try half a tablet if it helps you to get started, any side effects you notice will be psychological as at 5mg the drug should have no effect on you at all. As you increase the dose side effects can be unpleasant, you need to try to ride them out as best you can knowing that this drug really can work in the longer term.

Good luck,


31-07-11, 10:43
Thanks for that advice. Looks like i'll start on the 10 then and see how I go! Cheers

31-07-11, 11:17
I strongly disagree with mohc. I was side effect wary too and my doctor encouraged me to start on 5mg, I got quite strong side effects just from this dose so it is simply not true to say that 5mg is too low a dose to have an effect on people!! I'm so glad I started on 5mg and not 10mg, I was on that for a week, the first day I felt quite rough and dizzy but each day got better.

We're all do different, some people can start on 30mg and not break into a sweat, others are much more sensitive. I would always suggest if you're worried about side effects you start on a lower dose.

31-07-11, 13:53
You may get side effects at 5mg, and 10mg. The citalopram wont have a therapeutic affect until 20mg, so you wont start to feel "better" until at least that dose.

If the side affects are too bad on 10mg then check with doctor before going down to 5mg.

31-07-11, 20:18
You're fine to take 5mg -I took even less when I began! I was so nervous and the doctor encouraged me just to take whatever I could bring myself to take just to show myself that I'm ok, and get some confidence! So you'd be fine starting with 5mg, it just takes a bit longer to get going is all. 10mg is a low dose, but if you're wary of side effects then go with less.
All the best!


01-08-11, 12:14
Conflicting answers here which is not helpful. It is a hard decision to start taking AD's and a bit frightening especially when you are suffering from anxiety. I started on 10mg for 2 weeks then upped to 20mg. The 10mg tablet is really there to help you start as it has no thereputic effect. I had quite strong side effects especially when I tried taking 30mg and 40mg. My doctor told me that the stronger the side effects the more likely the drug is going to work. So try to accept that it could be a rough ride for the first 2 months while you find the right dose for you. In 3-4 months you will feel a lot better.
good luck,

01-08-11, 19:48
Oh it's okay, i just appreciate the feedback. I still haven't started them. I had a few fairly good days so I decided to see if I could refrain, although i'm still thinking about how I feel all the time. My family are not keen on me starting so I guess that one of the main things putting me off. Depending on how tonight goes I may start in the morning. Thanks again all :) x

01-08-11, 21:16
Lucyliz, I'm going to the Doc in the morning to speak with her about prescribing some Citalopram (which I've never taken before) to help me through a rough time. I've not taken any medication since the end of last year and I'm loathe to take anything but feel I now need something to keep my head above water, so to speak. I'll let you know how I get on. If you do decide to take them, and if I get prescribed them, perhaps we can discuss/support where appropriate.

01-08-11, 22:50
Yes that sounds great! Let me know how you get on :) x

01-08-11, 23:38
Hi LucyLiz, I've had Citalopram prescribed to me today too, 20mg, I am absolutely petrified! My doc didn't even say to start with 10mg and build up, but I am a rebel. I plan on splitting in quarters to 5mg at first just so I know that my body can tolerate it. I'd try 5mg if you're worried about side effects and tolerence, but it's unlikely to help anxiety till you've upped to the dose and been on it several weeks. My family are unsupportive of meds too, not what you need when you're feel like this...
Good luck with it and let us know how it goes! :)

01-08-11, 23:49
hey i started on 10mg yestrday been prescribed 20mg tablets but half them cause the side effects were a bit 2 strong 4 me, i get a butterfly feeling in my stomach and my chest kind of tightens up does any1 else have these side effects?i take mine 1st thing in the morning, does any1 take it at night before bed?

thanx benny the kiwi

02-08-11, 00:04
lol @ Panicpanda! cutting those little tablets into quarters is going to be quite a challenge I would imagine :D Wish you all the best, let me know how it goes! I'm still unsure what to do! Want to fight this bitch without meds but it's getting hard!

02-08-11, 13:34
You can buy a pill splitter at the pharmacy for a few pounds. It's worth getting one so that you can accurately split the tabs. If you get bad side effects at 5mg this may be a placebo effect. People taking sugar pills in the original citalopram trials reported some side effects. I recon some of my initial high anxiety when starting cit could have been psychological you get so wound up about how bad its going to be.

02-08-11, 14:01
Well, I've started Citalopram today at 10mg. Think I'll be on this dose for a couple of weeks then it'll be upped to 20mg. Fingers crossed it works and the side effects are minimal. I really needed to take something after a few months of trying to keep my head above water with nothing in my system except a multi vitamin. Like many of you I don't like to resort to medication, but, I guess, in the same way if my leg was broke I'd use a crutch, I need some support to get me through this very trying time.

04-08-11, 12:49
plz pm mizfiesta and let me knw how u getin on,
i am also on 10mg atm 2moro will be my 4th day
havin some side effects like butterflys in my stomach(not the good kind)
gna stay on 10mg 4 atleast 2weeks and then try up 2 20mg like u

05-08-11, 13:36
Hey guys, started at last! I was feeling better in myself so j thought it would be a good time (if that makes sense) so felt strong enough to deal with any sa's! Feel a bit queasy & head a bit groggy but manageable! Hope everyone else is getting there! xx

05-08-11, 14:03
Hey LuzyLiz.

Which dose did you start with then? That's me now on day 4 of Citalopram at 10mg. I'll be on this dose for two weeks then the Doctor wants me to up it to 20mg.

To be honest so far I've not noticed anything out the ordinary with regards to side effects. It is a low dose I'm on at the moment so I guess any side effects will be mimimal.

And I don't know if I could tell the side effects from me just being worried about having started a new medication. My mind is working overtime just now and my anxiety is pretty bad anyway. I can't really go outside and walk anywhere at the minute or I'm having a panic attack, but ok if I go out for a short journey in the car.

As I said though, my anxious mind is looking out for stuff happening to me because I'm taking new tablets so I think I'll be a bit more anxious for a time anyway. :shrug:

05-08-11, 15:33
I only started on 5mg, was still a bit apprehensive! Might take five for a few days then move up to ten. I think I'm just feeling this was because im expecting something to happen! Probably more in my head than anything. I've been given diazepam now in case the first few weeks are tough which is good to know. How you feeling in yourself? Any effect on your mood yet or way too early to tell? x

05-08-11, 16:03
No effect on my mood as yet. To be honest it's anxiety that's more of a problem for me at the moment, though with me one usually follows the other.

I don't expect I'll feel any benefit till I've been on the higher dose of 20mg for a while. As far as I'm aware, from what I've read thus far, 20mg is what they call the 'therapeutic' dose - meaning usually no real benefits are apparent at anything less than that dose. And even then it usually takes roughly between 3-4 weeks before any benefit is felt. I've read quite a lot about them as I want to know what to expect.

The Doctor has prescribed the lower dose so that my system gets uses to the drug. An increase in anxiety is often reported if people start straight on the 20mg so we're trying to avoid that.

Yea like you I'm apprehensive which is making my anxiety worse but I just keep reminding myself that it's a low dose and my mind is just tricking me. I'm not pushing myself to do anything very challenging however - just taking it easy and trying to relax as much as I can.


05-08-11, 19:47
Ended up having quite a bad day. After feeling not too bad I was just about to go out when I had a sudden bout if chest pain, stupidly took my pulse and it was going really fast then really slow. Scared me to death that maybe the tablets in someday effected my heart! My dad came over and sat with me and eventually calmed down. Still going to take one tomorrow though.

05-08-11, 20:05
Ended up having quite a bad day. After feeling not too bad I was just about to go out when I had a sudden bout if chest pain, stupidly took my pulse and it was going really fast then really slow. Scared me to death that maybe the tablets in someday effected my heart! My dad came over and sat with me and eventually calmed down. Still going to take one tomorrow though.

Yea stick with it, it will get better. With 5mg I wouldn't imagine there will be any side effects to speak of as it's such a small dose. It may just be your natural anxiety at taking a new tablet, and that will subside in a few days. Just try and avoid anything that is going to make your anxiety worse in the meantime.


06-08-11, 16:06
Didn't take one today :-( I'm gutted but I got really scared about having another day like yesterday. Have two girls to look after in the day so it's almost not an option getting worse. Last night I had to go to bed with a heated neck thing on my head because my headache was so bad! As I've book cbt for next Thursday I think I'm going to give that a go first, then if i don't get anywhere try these again. I hope they work for you though. I hope my diazepam can help me get through the next period now.

07-08-11, 13:21
Lucyliz, at least you gave them a go. You can always try them again in the future if you feel more able to cope with any side effects. I hope you're feeling a bit better now?