View Full Version : Why Did I Drink

31-07-11, 14:17
Hi guys

made a big stupid mistake decided to stop taking my medz a week ago so far its been okay the weeks been great started my new job and life was looking up i thought i could live with out the was on 50mg zoloft and last night when out on the lash got extremley drunk and BAM Today my anxiety is like sky high, here i am again checking my pulse, convinced im going to die today ... i am a heavy drinker i drink to get rid of my anxiety i already no i shouldnt as its a depressant blah blah blah, but today i am addemant i am going to knock drinking on the head and get my life back on track before i do end up in a seriously bad way ... my anxiety today is terrible havent felt this bad in a long while im guessing its the alcohol and lack of sleep, but hey hoo here we go thinking im dying which was my main obbsession ... i need to get down to the honest bottom of why i drink i really do ... :lac: NOT LIVING LIFE LIKE THIS NO MORE ...

so today im officially back to being lil miss zoloft ... i admit defeat but im going to break the drinking cycle, even if it kills me ...

Thanks for reading me i hope some of you feed back :) i no theres not much to really say but if anyones had similar experiences pop up please x x

31-07-11, 18:05
Hey ino how you feel if I drink am the same the next day feel like am going to die it awful,am on setraline 100 and also Valium if needed,maybe that could help :)

31-07-11, 20:59
hangover can = PANIC!!!!!! Valium can help (toooooo much) but has it's own (long-term) problems.....

Rememeber tomorrow the panic will go becasue you won't be hungover!!!


31-07-11, 22:00
man this is me down to a T. it's the exact situation im in right now. I seem to suffer the day after the hangover (today) I just get so low. i always tell myself i need to stop drinking then i do it again!
let me know how you get on and any useful tips for staying off the booze! good luck xxx

31-07-11, 22:19
Me too. I get serious blues when I have a hangover. I question myself about everything and just feel really down.

I am not on any sort of meds so its nothing to do with a drug reaction, its just how alcohol effects me.

I am not a big drinker so 3 glasses of wine is enough to give me a hangover and serious blues.

You are not alone and you will feel much better tomorrow

01-08-11, 02:27
I have cut back on drinking after starting the medication six months ago. I stopped altogether for a few months, then explained to my doc that I was really missing it. His advice was I could drink in moderation, no more than if I was driving as I was stable on the medication. That has largely worked for me, I enjoy a couple of pints or a couple of glasses of wine and stick to that. I never seem to suffer any ill effects if I stay within these limits. If you are unable to do this maybe you should try and cut it out altogether and try and replace it with some other form of activity. I know when I was briefly teetotal I used to treat myself to extra sweet things like chocolate. Not great if you're weight watching though.

A physical activity is a much better idea. I like to go for long walks whenever I can and found that relaxing when I was fancying a drink. I would have something nice at the end of it, like a hot chocolate or other non-alcoholic drink. Give yourself a reward occasionally. You've earned it. Life is tough!

Tyke :)

01-08-11, 11:33
The problem with me is i drink and dont now when to stop! i am a drinker not so much an alcoholic i function fine with out it id say more of a binge drinker! i dont now what to do next, for me its either stop at all or carry on i cant drink in moderation iv tryed millions of times and failed millions of times ... i am scared for my health aswell but yesterday i was that ill i physically couldnt drink and today im going to start a fresh and cut it out completly i have to say yesterday was my worst hangover by far all night i was jumping out my sleep from anxiety horrible !!! thank you guys for all your comments feel free to inbox me with any advice or just a chat about drinking i enjoy listening to other peoples issues makes me feel a little more better that im not alone thank you all xxxx have a beautiful day