View Full Version : Got a new pet yesterday-feel really oddly anxious

worried 101
31-07-11, 15:51
Hi all. This is going to sound really silly but I thought if anyone is likely to understand, it would be you guys!
Basically got a new cat yesterday from a cattery, hes really cute but I think he was a little grouchy as obviously its all new for him, and swiped out a few times. He has been fine this morning but I have this terrible anxiety about it all now, making myself think that I shouldnt have him, I cant possibly look after him and its not going to work. Instead of being excited about my new pet I'm immediatly thinking the worst and making myself so panicked and worried. I just want to be able to enjoy stuff like this in life seeing as I have been looking forward to having my new cat!
Anyone else experience anything similar? I know its strange but its really getting to me!

31-07-11, 16:16
I understand, some times I get so excited that it makes me anxious .
He's nervous and in a bit of a shock, also he could be playing, it's very common for kittens to hiss at you, well your so big and scary to the teeny tiny kitten.
I find staying near them, maybe hand feeding some food, once you start rubbing them they will warm up to you,
also approach him really slowly and sit down near him, not stand over him.

when I got my kitten, I let her sleep on my pillow, she was small and I do think she was a bit young to have been given away, but it all worked out in the end.
Cats do get play aggressive, and they can give you "friendly" bites, it's a cats way of showing affecting some times, tapping it on the nose usually works : )

I also kept my cat as a house cat for her first few months, I would take her outside on a harness, she got to know all the dogs which was good a they became friends.
Now I let her out on her own, she has a collar with a bell so I can hear her, and she comes when she is called, I only let her outside when I am home to keep an eye on her lol

so I get how you get worried and anxious : )
You will get used to it, give it a few days and you will start to bond with him,
it's so worth having a pet, they make you laugh and they are always happy to see you and it's nice having something around to cuddle : )

31-07-11, 22:27
I completely understand! Did the same with my rescue cat. You have an idea of how it will be, "they will love you instantly for saving them, curl up on your lap etc" and then they hide from you and swipe at you! I got upset on the first night and felt i had made a mistake, its just that my expectations were too high!

I know what you are going through, but it takes time for them to adjust, he doesn't get where he is or who you are - give him a little bit of space and he will settle in.

Hey cats own us, not the other way around!

Good luck.

evil monkey
31-07-11, 22:55
Pets take some time to adjust xx. He's just completely moved house, and the house is 5x as big for him :)

One thing might be. don't straight off reach out for him, pretend to be him for a bit and imagine how he might perceive things - reaching out to him for him would be going for an attack. Give him a bit of space, so he has a day or to to decide he's no in danger, then he might start to seek you out. Shadow exactly. Pets are great at training their owners ;)

31-07-11, 23:51
Please don't worry about him not being settled.
I volunteer at a cat sanctuary and own a rescue cat myself and it does take them a while to adjust. The best thing to do is keep him in one room, away from the main comings and goings of the house, until he starts to get used to the smells and sounds. If that's not possible then just let him adapt without fussing over him. Hard, I know, because you want to make him love you but he will need a little bit of time.
Also, cats are extremely good at picking up on your moods. As hard as it is, try to be calm when you're spending time with him. If you're on edge, he'll think there's something to be nervous about and thus he will start to be nervous too. Relax and treat him as if everything is normal and he will start to get used to things very quickly.

You can definitely look after him. If he's come from a cattery then you're giving him a second chance and he will be much happier with you than many of the other options out there. Good luck!

worried 101
03-08-11, 16:06
Hey guys.
Thanks so much for the great advice, unfortunately we had to give the cat back as my partners daughter has asthma and the cat dander seemed to be effecting it(cat was very long haired!), was really really sad to see him go.Also we were concerened about him acidentally scratching the girls as he seemed to have certain spots that he ddint like to be touched and was extremely dominant over the sofa, would hiss and scratch and as they are so young they wouldnt realise he mat lash out a bit and we couldnt always been in the room with the girls 24/7. The cattery was really great though and said that we had done the right thing in bringing him back and they would let us know if they got any other cats in that were more appropraite, but I dont think I could go through with getting another one as it was so upsetting having to take him back as he was lovely alot of the time. If it had just been my partner and I living there it would have been fine and we would have persisted like you guys said to do! Thankyou guys anyway, I really appreciate it, hopefully if I ever get a pet again I will have to come back to this page and remeber the advice you gave!
Hope you are all doing well.

03-08-11, 16:19
I'm sorry to hear about not being able to keep the cat..had a similar issue with my ex. He didn't know he was extremely allergic to cats and we adopted a 2 year old cat from a shelter. Needless to say we had to give him up..luckily we found a sweet family to take him in. Hope the cat has the same luck.

What about a dog? Dogs are better with people who have allergies..?