View Full Version : Being referred to have cbt

31-07-11, 17:11
Ok so i am on citalopram for depression and at the weekend i had a meltdown took an overdose and ended up in hospital.
Spoke to pschiatrist at the hospital and let out everything that was on my mind and going on in my head (well a quick version anyway) so hes decided to refer me to have cbt. never heard of this before so dont know what to expect, and also do i still continue to take my citalopram?:shrug:

31-07-11, 17:55
Sorry to hear that you have had a 'meltdown' and ended up in hospital. I'm glad that you are being referred for cbt. In the meantime you must continue to take your medication unless your psychiatrist tells you not to. Please continue to post and let us know how you are feeling? I'm told the chat room is also good although I have never used it myself. The important thing is to keep on talking. Take care. EJ.

31-07-11, 18:18
Thankyou EJ, thats my problem i bottle everything up and lock it away thinking im dealing with it myself. Think today with the phsichiatrist was the first time i have talked for so long and so open about my feelings and thoughts etc.

paula lynne
31-07-11, 18:36
You can talk on here too Leeannes, no judgement. You are as important as the next person x:hugs:

31-07-11, 18:39
Have a read of this all about CBT....


31-07-11, 18:54

31-07-11, 19:48
Sorry that you are feeling so desperate. I have seen your thread on the hugs forum. The Samaritans will talk and you can go and see them face to face if you want to. I know it is hard. EJ.

31-07-11, 20:50
*hugs* to you....

I'm starting cbt on Tuesday so I'll let you know how it goes. I've had psychotherapy too for over 1.5 years too. hard going that one! I understand the meltdown thing and also saw the bf issue too. Keep chatting to us on here and then have support from us, so if the bf is not being supportive (do you need someone like that in your life?? - although i do sooo understand how hard it is to get over love) you have us instead...

Hope I've helped and sorry about any spelling mistakes - my finger-hitting-right-key ratio is screwed right now !!

Love Hyper (well not hyper right now, but immaterial.....) xxxx

31-07-11, 21:32
*hugs* to you....

I'm starting cbt on Tuesday so I'll let you know how it goes. xxxx

Thankyou, im not sure when mine starts, the phsciatrist who i saw at the hosdpitsl is sendinmg thr referral over in the mrnng, he said i shud get a call by the end off th week.

I really want to get better and be genuinely happy instead off putting a mask on for ppl, but same time i scared to open up and deal with all the thoughts i have grr i just feel so screwed up

31-07-11, 22:12
yeah dealing with 'it' is hard.. but better in the long run. once they called me (cbt / therapy people) it was only a week or so, quite quick - you have to fill in forms on how you feel... and then they call you for aphone or in person chat assessmnet...and then you get your first app.....


01-08-11, 11:58
been too doctors this am they gave me a weeks supply of citalopram, so i dont get tempted. doctor was really nice and for once i felt ok about talking to her. weeks sick note so time to relax i hope and rest

02-08-11, 15:47
well todays been rubbish, woke up really negative, took my citalopram and just cried and cried. Was hoping to go inot town for a change of scenery but couldnt face it. Tried to keep busy, did some baking, washed up but i just havent felt settled at all today grrr

10-08-11, 11:23
Well just a little update, been given another sick note which didnt go down well with work but my main concern is getting better. Phoned Talking Changed the company who i have been referred to and i have got a 45 min telephone appointment next week so at least the ball is rolling.

16-08-11, 12:12
well today is a rubbish day, had awful dream last night which means my head is just screwed with horrible thoughts today so not moving out my bed, whats the point