View Full Version : heart worries

31-07-11, 17:58
Hi, im really worried about my heart,its beating very fast and ive pain/tightness,this started last wed night so i went to AE,they did an ECG/bloods and chest xray all fine but they kept me in,i then had another ECG the next morning and another blood test,they also were fine,i had to have an ECG on the treadmill well the treadmill ECG was fine but my heartrate at rest was 116 going up to 140...i was told i probably wasnt going home but they then decided to sent me home,anyway my pain/tightness amd fast heart rate is still happening and im worried sick,i went back to AE this morning and again more bloods and a ECG,they were all fine,they say its anxiety!!!! im scared,can anyone relate to whats happening with me?

31-07-11, 18:02
Be reassured that the ECG and blood tests would find anything wrong with your heart.

Do you exercise much at all?

31-07-11, 18:28
Hi Nicola,no i dont exercise,only walking,i used to walk everywhere when my kids were in the pram,but now they are bigger i dont nearly half as much,i used to go to the gym but that stopped over 2 years ago as my son got ill and i didnt want to leave him.When i go to AE even if my symptoms have calmed down (as they have done but as soon as im out the door the fast beats,ect start again) would the tests/ecgs still pick up on a problem?

31-07-11, 18:37
Yes they would pick up any heart problems.

The reason I mentioned exercise is that the fitter you are the lower your heart rate will be and maybe a bit of exercise will help in that way.

If there was a problem you would have the symptoms all the time if you think about it. It wouldn't come and go.

Whilst in hospital you are getting reassurance but as soon as you leave you worry again hence the chest pain and fast pulse again.

31-07-11, 18:45
i can relate sandy, i've only ever been to a&e once which was when i first suffered with anxiety and panic a year ago. on arrival my pulse and BP were sky high. you have to believe hun that this is your bodies natural reaction to stress, anxiety and panic. i promse you this. when i was in a&e they said to me that they could see i was panic stricken, but i myself hadnt realised, id just focused on my symptoms which had in turn wound me up even more, thus increase heart rate and BP. try and distract yourself from focusing on your heartrate. put some music on so you cant hear it.
and ECG and blood test would without a shadow of a doubt picked up any heart problem, hoenstly. you must trust the doctors and nurses, they are brilliant at their jobs and if they are not concerned, you don't need to be. wish i could give you a big hug, i know how horrible it is. xxxxx

paula lynne
31-07-11, 18:51
Ive been there too Sandy, I think a lot of us have really. Several admittance to A&E only to be told Im fine...so I skip off home feeling ok because the tests results are normal, then BANG it starts again...so tiring. You must first really TRUST that if anything was seriously wrong, you would have been kept in.
Its horrible I know, I went through an episode about a year ago when every single waking moment was just as you described....I prayed for death, I really did, just wanted it to end. And it did end, I stopped paying it so much attention and maybe it got bored with me because every week I started feeling a little better. Ive got heart bangs now as I type this, every 10th beat or so, and I dont care. Sounds mad, but if you ignore it and try and just get on with your day, it almost knows its loosing its power over you. For the moment, know that your heart is a powerful muscle and its doing its job, its reacting to all that adrenaline ok....feels horrid but wont hurt you. Your heart can sustain beating about 250bpm for several hours....and yours is nowhere near that or they would have kept you in.

Do you have any lavender at home? Try some on your palms to help relax you. If you are feeling major anxiety, get a paper bag and re-breathe. A cold flannel on the back of the neck is helpful, and some people find snapping an elastic band on their wrists is good for keeping you "in the moment" and reducing panic. I hope this episode passes quickly for you. Sending hugs, Paula x:hugs:

31-07-11, 18:53
Thanks Nicola,Sarah and Paula,i want to believe its stress and anxiety even though i hate my Health Anxiety but its blooming scary when my hearts pumping away and i see it through my top....at rest its normally ok,my bp has been ok,while in hosp and oxygen was fine but the heart rate is worrying.I know i need to fitter as ive never been this lazy,now im scared to do anything incase its too much for my heart! x

31-07-11, 18:53
I've been to a&e twice with heart issues... I'll have a palpitation, or missed beat then automatically tense up making me think it's heart related and bad news. Never found anything, even though my pulse goes crackers on times and I do get irregular pulse. I've been put on propanolol beta blocker which lessens the palps and fast pulse, might be worth a try? Wishing you all the best xx

31-07-11, 18:57
ps when i had an echo a few years ago, just seeing my heart on screen made my pulse go up to 170 at rest (seriously) and still it was fine! xx

31-07-11, 18:58
Hi Lucyliz,someone told me about propanolol none of the drs mentioned any meds to take,wonder if my gp would try it for me,probably not as,as soon as he sees me he thinks hers shes comes again,and tells me to relax and stop worrying...if only.x

31-07-11, 19:03
I don't see why not, they work very quickly and I take them when needed. Although they are a beta blocker I have nothing wrong with my heart they just help my with my rapid pulse and palps. :) Unfortunately they don't change the way you think though so it doesn't stop me telling myself I MIGHT have a heart problem! (Sigh!)

01-08-11, 06:32
Im going to try and see my gp this morning ask ask about propanolol,hope i dont offfend him by asking if hed try it for me,im worried now as ive not had a echo or holter (spelt wrong)maybe that would show something that the ecgs and bloods have missed as ive been reading alot of threads last night about heart worries and alot of people on this board have has them to check for heart problems so now thats worrying me!.ps whats a holter,i dont want to google it.

01-08-11, 08:54
Hey Sandy,

I was thinking about you yesterday wondering how you're doing. So sorry you're having a rough time. Can I ask, has your headache gone??? I'm guessing that because you're mind has gone on to worrying about your heart that you've not even thought about your headaches. This should show you that it IS anxiety rather than some awful disease. Easy to say I know!!
I hope your GP takes the time to help you. Big hugs xxx

Kerri-anne xxx

01-08-11, 11:20
Hi Kah,yes i cant believe it my headaches are gone,now its my heart,im really worried my dr gave me the tablets,hows you? xx

01-08-11, 17:40
hope your ok now have you though about trying relaxation? anixety is awfula and can do crazy things to your body and make your pulse so fast x

05-08-11, 13:56
Hi,Im still worried about my heart,i want to go and get it checked again at AE as its bothering me,it tightens up and im scared its a heart attack,i dont know what to do,my hubby tells me to relax but i cant im so worried.

05-08-11, 14:27
Hi Sandy... I am with you today. My worries are taking over everything today and also tempted to go to A and E but trying to resist the urge. It's so hard. Sorry cannot offer more reassurance but wanted to tell you that you are not alone.

Kinnygirl1 x

05-08-11, 14:36
Hi Kinnygirl,im in such a mess today,im so scared,ive jsut asked my hubby to take me to AE but he wont,does your chest ever feel tight? mines does sometimes and it scares me,when i was at AE last sunday i had another ECG and bloods done all were ok but its not reassured me as im still getting pains etc.xx

05-08-11, 14:36
It is not a heart attack and you have been checked out many times.

Try doing some gentle exercise and stretches - it is a muscle and needs exercise too.

05-08-11, 14:50
Hi Sandy

Yes get chest pain in left hand side and sometimes pins and needles in left arm. Have been told all is anxiety. We just have to believe it. Just been for a gentle bike ride with daughter and no change to heart so am taking some reassurance from that.... Try to resist going to A and E and I will too. Know that I feel as you do. Lets do it one step and a time and see how we feel this evening? :hugs:

Kinnygirl1 x

05-08-11, 14:50
Nicola,would my tests that have been already done show if something was wrong with my heart,my mind is racing and ive tightening on the left side of my chest,im scared.x

05-08-11, 15:22
They would show something yes Sandy

Heart pain is also not felt over the heart - it is central.

You are tense and making it worse I would say.

Please try some exercises stretching your arms behind you and get that heart working out to relieve the tension.

06-08-11, 07:50
Im in a mess today,still getting pains over my heart area.This is awful and frightening,i not sure what bloods were taken when i went to AE but would they have shown any blockage or heart failure...ive also had as chest xray and a few ecgs over the last 2 weeks.

anx mum
06-08-11, 09:30
Hi, im really worried about my heart,its beating very fast and ive pain/tightness,this started last wed night so i went to AE,they did an ECG/bloods and chest xray all fine but they kept me in,i then had another ECG the next morning and another blood test,they also were fine,i had to have an ECG on the treadmill well the treadmill ECG was fine but my heartrate at rest was 116 going up to 140...i was told i probably wasnt going home but they then decided to sent me home,anyway my pain/tightness amd fast heart rate is still happening and im worried sick,i went back to AE this morning and again more bloods and a ECG,they were all fine,they say its anxiety!!!! im scared,can anyone relate to whats happening with me?

Hi hun i can relate to u i know how scared u r been there its horrible. I never believed hospital cos pains were real but an ecg can tell alot about your heart also having bloods will show any problems. Plz dont worry ive been there so know how u feel this will pass i promise. Im always here if u wanna talk. Bev :bighug1:

06-08-11, 09:38
Thanks Bev,ive been reading alot of your old posts as youve had alot of the pans i have but im still in a mess,really low and feel tired,i think the worst is going to happen.x

06-08-11, 09:58
THinking of you today Sandy. I know first hand how hard it is to feel reassured and how scary it is when something feels so connected to your heart. I had a terrible day yesterday with this sort of thing and even had my husband put his ear to my chest and listen to my heart to try and reassure me!!! Be kind to yourself and try to trust your body to get you through this, keeping in mind that your tests did not show any major problems. I know that's easier said than done though!

KG x x

06-08-11, 10:12
Kinnygirl,thanks.I get a tightening feeling and it worries me,have you had tests done? this is just awful,the other week it was headaches that were worrying me now its my heart.x

06-08-11, 10:29
Hi Sandy, I have had an ECG and blood tests. Also 2 different GPs have listened to my heart -all say that there is no obvious problem but I know that doesn't stop the panic I feel when I get the slightest twinge in chest area and straight away I feel that the docs must have missed something. Is that what you are feeling?

Today, although chest is still feeling a bit fluttery, I am trying hard to not focus on it. It was like this yesterday and I got through it so therefore I will get through today - this is my stratedgy for today anyway.

Hugs to you x

06-08-11, 10:34
Good for you,i wish i could be that strong,im a wreck.Its the tight feeling that worries me,its acroos the upper chest area and can go up to my neck,ive a heat pad that i place on my chest to try and help it.I also feel something has been missed by the doctors.xx

06-08-11, 10:49
I don't feel that strong but I am determined that somehow I have to not let these worries take over my day today. I do know how you feel- I have been a wreck too in the not too distant past. I am on some medication for my anxiety ( fluoxetine) which I think is helping me mentally. Are you on anything at all and if not would you consider asking your GP for something?

06-08-11, 10:57
Im on sertraline and olanzapine for my anxiety,ive had CBT as well but it didnt really help.On anther note im very windy,burping alot after food/drink..wonder if its trapped wind but then it wouldnt give me heart pains nor the tightening or the random flutters,im scared,my husband is sick of me going on all the time.x

06-08-11, 11:25
It really could be trapped wind... I have heard that can give you pains in your chest... its something to do with the nerve that connects your heart, lungs digestive system etc - the flutters could be cos the pain is making you anxious.

I know what you mean - I think my husband getting fed up with my worrying. Thats why its nice to come on here!
