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31-07-11, 19:09
and I am not talking about big worms! (sorry thought I would inject some humour)

My hands keep shaking - this has started this week even though I haven't been too stressed and been quite relaxed. They are worse in the morning especially when getting dressed and at the dinner table (odd) with my family. They are trembling as I type this... should I be concerned or is this another way my anxiety is morphing once more?

The tremors are quite noticable as my husband as noted them over the pass few days. Should I be worried?

31-07-11, 19:49
I wouldn't worry about them. I've had them for (about 20) years! Never realised it was part of anxiety, but just ignored it anyway! (Never realised 'the heart-thing' as i always called it in my head was called palpitatiions either, and just dismissed that as part of being me and never realised that it could be something to worry about too - God sometimes my stupidity amazes me!!) I thought that if I told anyone they'd think I was stupid too, I guess!

Anyway, it does (shaking or tremors as I've just learnt it's called ha ha) seem to be worse if I don't get enough sleep, or am feeling stressed, or have not enough food and yes in the morning. I even used to call it 'shake-stage' of hunger pangs when I had so little energy that it made me shake!! If I do enough exercise that will make it go away too. Or i would sit on my hands!!!! And of cousre do breathe - silly really, we all forget to breathe - especially me and I teach yoga for a living ha ha !!

Err hope this helps somewhat!!:winks:

Hyper xxx

31-07-11, 19:49
ps, big worms made me laugh!!!:roflmao:

31-07-11, 20:14
Thank you Hyperyogi and I am glad I made you laugh... we all need more smiles!

31-07-11, 20:51

I get these all the time, especially in the morning. I also get them in my legs too which can make me feel like my legs are very weak or I'm going to collapse. I too have noticed that they are much worse when I'm hungry.

I used to worry about it but as lots of other people suffer with them I guess they can't be anything to worry about.

K xxx

01-08-11, 15:02
Hiya Ambers,
My husbands hands shake. He has had this for a long time. His Mother was the same.
He went to the docs and had some tests done.He has what you call a benign tremour.
I was worried about it thats why I asked him to to the docs.
If you are concerned please see your GP. No need to worry unnecessarily.