View Full Version : Women Problems ( IM a mess)

31-07-11, 21:08
So i am having that time of the month and i am having what feels like vertigo and very heavy blood flow... i also have some weird heavy feeling on my right side of my face it feels as if my face should be drooping... and also a full feeling in my ear.. i have taken some meds the doc gave me but the course has finished and i still feel terrible

But the vertigo/lightheadedness with this period is whats worrying me..
i googled it and some terriying answers came up so now i am sat here thinking i am going to die and it is not a good mix to have!

31-07-11, 21:22
When I was having periods , I am now menopausal, I would get bad dizziness on the first day of my period and would keep going faint also for couple of days. Gyny told me it was a hormonal thing.

On the heavy bleeding bit if you are soaking a nightime towel every half hour for over 12 hrs then its time to do something about it as you could get aneamic. Have you been tested for aneamia recently if you are having heavy bleeding every period???? If you were slightly aneamic this could also make you feel dizzy and faint.

HOw long has the heavy bleeding been and how bad is it????

31-07-11, 21:47
Thank you so much for your reply really appricate it!

I have never been tested for aneamia! but i have always thought of osmething like that....

is it a blood test?

first day is horrible and i have to wear about two towels they fill up about 30-40 minutes so yeah i have really heavy periods and alot of clots :(

01-08-11, 01:17
Depending on how old you are, you might want to have your GYN check your hormone levels. If young enough sometimes a simple script for birth control pills can help get this kind of stuff in check. All very normal things to be going on during this time of your cycle.

01-08-11, 01:48
your periods do seem on the heavy side, I would tell your GP and maybe have it checked out,
I do get dizzy on my period , but I only bleed lightly so I think it's the hormones for me.
Women are prone to low iron levels because we get periods and since yours is so heavy maybe take iron supplements?
Yeah it's just a quick blood test, even better to get it done while your on your period ,