View Full Version : My heart is quivering constantly pouring with sweat very very anxious

31-07-11, 23:18
Hi my heart feels as if it is quivering and missing beats all the time. I am only aware of this when I count my pulse. Things have been really bad for a few days now I was supposed to go to a pop concert in Liverpool over 200 milles away and get 3 trains and I got in such a state I didnt go and I didnt sleep for over 2 nights and I was very anxious . I was coping with it until 8pm tonight when a drunk man tried to break into my house and chase after me, I went to a friends house and called 999 the police came and he was gone. But I was in such a state that I had a full 5 minutes of palpitations at the time and I then got a taxi to my parents house costing £40 and I was really anxious then and when I got there I had an argument with my parents and we argued all the way back in the car. Now Im back and up to high do you could scrape me off the ceiling Im pouring with sweat and I feel my heart is irregular like 5 or 6 palpitations a minute but I dont feel them in my chest only when I count my pulse as I have been doing constantly. But why would I be pouring with sweat I am worried its heart failure phoned nhs 24 and they told me that a cpn or a gp is going to call me back. She just has was lovely cpn she really thinks it is severe anxiety and once I have settled down my heart and cold sweats will settle down too. I took a valum 40 mins ago and she told me to take another one and another one after that if I need it and to try distraction techniqus has anyone ever had the pouring sweats and palpitations going on as long as this? She told me to stop checking my pulse as my heart may respond to that??

01-08-11, 00:59
No wonder you are anxious what a night. No one could have that happen and feel ok! My heart always feels like that and i am always checking my pulse. And i am sweating now. It is a hot night. I am normally asleep now but simething woke me and im all in a panic now. Try splashing your face with cold water and put your hands and wrists under cold running water. Deep breaths sometimes 'resets' my heart. Try distraction if you still feel the same when you have given yourself time to calm phone the cpn back for a chat. Oh and defo stop checking yout pulsr. If i could only take my own advice!!! I check it wherever i am

01-08-11, 01:03
Don't have much more to add than Daisy has said. Distract yourself, call the CPN back if needed and don't check your pulse.

Yes I wish I could take my own advice too. I run to the blood pressure monitor lol.

01-08-11, 01:13
My bp monitor is my new fashion item its worn that often. Even been known to check it in the middle of changing my babys nappy. Pre eclampsia gave me a fear i dont think i will ever get over