View Full Version : Stroke Worries?

01-08-11, 00:48
For the past three or four days my right arm has been hurting and feeling weird. I first noticed a weird sensation underneath the arm about a weak ago. The sensation is almost like a numbness wen the bottom of my arm moves across something although if I touch it I fan feel touch there. Also the muscle hurts in my forearm and in the part of he arm from the shoulder down to the elbow but it doesnt hurt all the time,just here and there. My arm also feels weak but I can lift things and hold them and also can hold my arms above my head. I notice the weakness the most when I am typing. I also have a strecthing tight feeling on that side of my ribcage all the way down.I keep thinking its going to disappear if I ignore it but it kind of comes and goes. Its. weird cause verything seems to be on one side. Im concerned it might be a stroke but then its been going on for a few says. Other than this isdue I dont seem to be having any other symptoms,but I do notice my heart beats fine until I get up and move around and it starts skipping beats. I have been laying on my left side for awhile off and on using my right arm to type and do things with but I have done that for a kong time before and never had issues. So im worried this might be a stroke. Coujld this all be muscle strain from unnaturl muscle use or a stroke? I thought the feeling in my arm would be gone after a few days but zi got up to take a shower and my arm really hurt. Im concerned ...does this sound like a stroke? Help?

01-08-11, 02:32

01-08-11, 20:26

01-08-11, 20:33
Sounds like tension to me? I get lots of pain in my left arm, shooting and dull aches. Also tightness around ribs and buzzing sensations. I think it's because of the way I hold myself when i'm anxious. My neck is also sore because of tension. When we concentrate on a sensation or feeling it always gets exaggerated. I had numbness in my hand a few years back, utterly convinced I had a brain tumour. When to the chiropractor who played around with my neck and the numbness went away! You'll be fine. Strokes happen very fast and you would definitely know. xx

01-08-11, 20:38
Thank you, you are very kind and I might be just paying attention too much. My right arm is my dominant arm and I use it alot. Its probally tension and thinking too much.

02-08-11, 09:32
How about starting some sort of regular exercise regime?....... I'm sure you started doing some cycling a while back. This should hopefully convince you that you're not insuch bad physical shape as you might think!! Swimming once day might be a good bet. I go out for an hours cycle ride most evenings.......... I'm 57........ and although I'm significantly slower than I used to be, always feel better for it....... you soon realise you're not about to have a stroke/heart attack etc etc!!

02-08-11, 22:39
Actually just started walking regularly ,and right now our daytime highs have been in the triple digits over 100 f so the bike riding will hve to wait a month or so but yes I think exercise i a good thing.