View Full Version : Eyes still frightening me :(

01-08-11, 01:09
My double vision is still freaking me out.

It doesn't seem to fit with monocular or binocular as it is there all the time, no matter which eye I cover but it's only high contrast things, TVs LEDs etc especially White text on black. My glasses are right, my optic nerves are fine, no visible probs with eyes, I'm freaking out I really do have a brain tumour.

Anybody similar?

01-08-11, 01:25
Im not sure exactly what you are saying,could you be alittle more specific?

01-08-11, 01:45
don't you need two eyes to get double vision?
are you on about the halo effect you get around bright objects?

01-08-11, 08:18
Well, if both eyes are uncovered, it isnthere. If I cover my right eye, it is there but if I cover my left eye, it is still there. However it isnt around everyday objects, just mostly on tv, I.e. The tv guide, subtitles, led lights etc

01-08-11, 11:04
Stop covering your eyes then! Simply - you cover one eye and it weakens as the other is doing all the work. You swap eyes and this is noticeable. It is blury because your eyes are watering and tired. I am pretty sure this explains things. Leave them alone and they will be ok :)

11-12-13, 03:11
Hopefuli, how are you doing? I'm having the same thing in one eye. LED lights, clock radio, subtitles ... that "ghosting" image where you see a ghost of the original text or light, not as clear and bright. Like a drop shadow sort of effect. I'm on Celexa and I'm wondering if that's causing it. It's my left eye only. How is yours doing?