View Full Version : Hi there Ive got Atrial Fibrilation may have to go in tomorrow really scared

01-08-11, 03:12
Been to hospital for an ECG and they have told me I have atrial fibrilation and the doctor was so nice I was really scared about going in and he told me to go to home tonight and if it was ok in the morning at my gp surgery he would leave it but if not he would give me a drip. Im so scared.

01-08-11, 03:18

I am so sorry that you have atrial fibrilation. Have you only just been to hospital? I hope it will be okay in the morning, so you don't have to go in. I will pray for you tonight. I understand you are scared, please try and relax, play some games here to try and take your mind off it for a little while, and yes I know it's easier said than done.

Please let us know how you get on.
