View Full Version : constant weird - static vision

01-08-11, 09:34
I don't know when this all started. I really don't know. All I remember was I remember thinkin I'm seein dots after hvin my baby and I have been sensitive to lighht since havin her too but never remember this vision I've got. Anyway I remember wakin up one mornin and I was seein like flashes of an object I would of been just lookin at and I remember thinkin 'this is weird. Its never happened before' then just since then I just keep notcing it and have fuzzy vision. I have noticed the more I think about it it seems worse. But when I won't be thinkin about it it still seems weird and at night I can hardly see in the dark ... Has anyone experienced it?? I read on wikipedia somthin about anxiety suffers notice it more and it is believed when adrenaline levels are raised is when it is noticable ... Thanks

01-08-11, 09:37
Oh I actually remember first that when I looked up. Into the sky I would see lota and lots of dots and twinkles

01-08-11, 09:52
I completely understand what you mean...i have it right now when i look at the wall, or anything for that matter...it really freaks me out abit, i try not to concentrate on it but then it's all i see when i look anywhere and at night i can hardly see anything either...it's scary, makes me think i have something wrong with my eyes! i tried to explain it to my mum and she just didn't understand what i meant so then it made me think maybe there is something wrong with my eyes!

01-08-11, 11:01
There is nothing wrong with either of your eyes - wiki is right (although avoid googling next time!!) - anxiety hightens your awareness and causes a lot more noticeable things you can see in your eyes. Floaters are clearer, light sensitivity if hightened or reduced loads of stuff. No need to worry.

01-08-11, 11:36
this is normal your eyes are totally fine ... li suffer from anxiety and at one stage believed i could see blue flashes in peoples hair ... seriously hun people with anxiety look more into things and now as u believe uv seen it once, you think its there it is just your anxiety as much as i no it is hard to believe! eventually it will go i still see blue at times but i sort of programmed my brain in to believing its not there! good luck with the twinkles xxx

01-08-11, 13:13
Mines got worse. Pretty much scared of walking late at night because I really can't see very well.
Doctors know pretty much nothing about it or how to fix it :(

01-08-11, 13:59
After i had my baby in Febuary my vision was wierd on a daily basis for a while, and i had really bad migraines and just dots like the type you get if you bend down and the blood rushes to your head, it turned out to be just because i was anemic at that time and i had to have an emergency section so it all could of been part of that.

But now i cant focus on light things, like a white wall in the doctors.. if the doctor is sitting infront of it type thing i can barely see them, its just a really distored image, and anything bright makes me like squint and makes my eyes feel all really heavy and strange, and i start getting dizzy like sensations and just feels uncomfortable.

I dont know if its the same as what you experience but i do know where you coming from x

01-08-11, 14:01
So it'll eventually get better?? I'm going to go to a few depression therapy. Sesssions and see if it gets better but I don't think about it (well I obviously am but don't realise) and I can still see it. I'm sick of squintin when there's no sun hardly and night really scares me :( which makes me just worry when the days conin to a close!! Its just one big big vicous cycle. I can't handle it :( but I think this vision is part of why I get my headaches too because of eye strain or somethin!! How long have you all had it??

01-08-11, 14:11
Yeah I used to get them dot things but they went and I just put it down to my palpitation I used to get again after I had my baby. I've been checked for anemia etc and everythin is fine. My mum also says her eyes are sensitive to light and er vision has got worse since havin each baby. My eyes also feel heavy and tires after a while because their sensitive to light. I try my best to think its just anxiety etc but I just can't think it is because there's a voice sayin how can it be related to anxeity!?? But I'm guna have to see how I feel after a few sessions of therapy I think. I would like to go have my eyes looked at but my doctor just said its noraml and I will get used to it!! But I rreally think havin the reasurance of a specialist will help me a great deal so if theses sessions don't seem to help my 'symptoms' then I'm going askin to be referred :)

01-08-11, 19:09
Well i started noticing floaters clearly in my vision about 2 years ago, after i nearly fainted at work one day...i got my eyes checked out but they said they were all okay and that i am just focusing on them because i know they are there now! but i would say this whole static vision has happened in the last few months, pretty much the same amount of time that i have not been feeling right...so maybe it is down to anxiety...

11-03-16, 00:22
In guess this topic might be pretty old but look up ocular migraine or aura headaches. Also lime disease and Parkinson's disease are related so make sure you see a doctor about that.. And also try gaba inhibitor pills or something like that. And Also if you take a benzo pill anyone would most likely help you a million times and take away the stress of the vision. At least they do for so many people and I had the vision since 13 and went crazy looking up all the stuff. But for me it is a lot worse I am 24 now so it gradually gets worse but when not thinking about it is the best. And when taking benzos completely helped my vision or I just didn't care and was able to focus better even with all the stuff. All the stuff I wrote is just from my experience alone and I known everyone is different.