View Full Version : Could I have overdosed? What happens if you do!?

01-08-11, 12:53
Hi there,

Well as I posted yesterday, I could nto remember whether I'd taken it, so leaning more toward that I'd forgotten I took 15mg late in the afternoon.
Today I took my 30mg as normal in the morning.
I have been feeling soo lethargic and not very good today -and am worried that if I DID take the 30mg and then 15mg, and then another 30 today that I may have too much in my system -my question is would that be dangerous?? or could these symptoms be because I took too little yesterday??


01-08-11, 13:10
Maybe ring the NHS nurse.
I really don't think you have OD , the maximum highest does for some meds can be quite high.

01-08-11, 13:12
Don't worry at all. Even if you've taken 30+15 mg in one day it will not harm you in any way, i myself am taking 40mg every day, nothing to be scared of. Citalopram is very 'safe' on these occasions, there are some reported cases of people who took some 1000-2000mg (probably suicidal intentions) with no fatal result. Look at it from this point- you are taking microscopic dose:D It is possible that you feel uncomfortable if you've taken only 15mg yesterday and 30mg today but that would be just for a short time (i had taken only 20mg one day and when i took my usual 40mg the next day i felt a little 'bad' physically but it goes away quickly)...
EDIT: now i saw the mishel's post: PEOPLE, don't worry!!! you CAN'T overdose on citalopram that easy, as i said you have to take at least 30-50 tablets which is IMPOSSIBLE! i have made a lot of research when i started taking these pills for things like that, stay calm!

01-08-11, 13:20
Thank you very much no name! It's good to know those facts! Thank you =)

01-08-11, 13:22
Hi violet
No need to worry. the maximum dose is usually 60mg so you will be fine. As no name says you may feel a bit achy or have a headache.
I'm on 40mg & know there have been a couple of times when i thought i'd missed a dose & taken it again with no problems.

01-08-11, 16:37
Citalopram is a very safe drug and is supposed to be quite difficult to take a dangerous dose. I take 40 mg every morning with no problems:)

01-08-11, 23:05
Thanks everyone, you're all stars! :yesyes: