View Full Version : Panic after Rehab :(

01-08-11, 15:26
hey everyone,

ive been using there boards off and on for the past 4 years. I get a lot of help from reading others stories. Heres a lil whats going on with me.

I just got out of a 45 inpatient program for alcohol and xanax/klonopin.
To note, I wasn't abusing the xanax or klonopin but have been on it for 7 years.

Today is my 51st day, so ive been out for 6 days.. and its horrible. I have such bad anxiety now, not as bad as when i was in rehab. The constant work and activity kept my mind busy. But since i got out ive had horrible panic and depression. I feel like i can leave my bed because either my depression is too heavy or my anxiety to high. It sucks! I need to go see a psycatrist this week to get my meds figured out. I dont know about going back on benzos.. i need to live!
Im currently on zoloft,welbutrin,inderal

any body been in the same place and any comments about getting back on benzos if life is getting unbearable?

thanks :)

01-08-11, 16:37
Did you talk about your issues in rehab? Maybe you just need more therapy to help you cope better with the anxiety and depression.
I do think it's going to take a while for your body and mind to readjust.
do you have an after care plan set up??
like a written routine of things to do during the week?
in rehab it's easy because you have your chores, meetings and stuff to do plus extra support and it's very hard to keep that up once your back home and too easy to slip in your old habits.
Dud you ever find a sponsor? as one may help when your feeling low.
CBT therapy could help with the anxiety.
Also look into omega 3 and exercise to help the depression.
When you are using drugs/alcohol you are in a sense sedated , you don't have to deal with life or problems, you can just be numb to it all, so once you get sober you can find every thing to be rather over whelming .
do you think there may be some reasons as to why you are depressed?