View Full Version : How my symptoms were able to spiral out of control

01-08-11, 15:59
Hi All, just fancing writing this down as I was thinking earlier how just a few small health worries grew into something that is now such a massive part of my life. No reason to it really just thought it might be useful for me to go over and for anyone else experiencing similar.

June 2010 - Found out I was pregnant with second child, was scared because I wasn't feeling very fit and worried by body wouldn't cope this time around.

Had been gardening in the hot sun with little water and suddenly got a run of very bad eptopics. Scared me to death and as I was on my own called ambulance. BP up and ECG normal but tacky. Stayed in hospital overnight and after chest x-ray and bloods was sent home. Told it could be anxiety related.

Relieved, had a normal few weeks.

Phone call from my doctors saying they wanted to discuss my A&E visit. I didn't think anything of this as I thought it was maybe routine? When I arrived at GP's office she said my chest X-ray had shown a shadow on lung! She checked my breathing and sent me on my way telling me now to worry. Of course I worried, spent the next few weeks googling possible reasons for this, although she said it was most probably scaring from previous infections I wasn't convinced. This planted the cancer seed. After a few weeks however I got bored of worrying about it.

Christmas 2010

Got Flu. Convinced myself I was going to die because it was Swine flu and I was pregnant. Plus I assumed my lungs weren't up to much because of the 'Shadow'. Few weeks later I was better but this really brought me down.

April 2010

Normal birth but worried then for a good 10 weeks that I was bleeding to death, stopped (of course)

Late April

Dull chest pain after rocking baby for hours. Ended up going to A&E. Normal ECG (tacky again). Sent home after being told it was muscular.


After working on my disseration for uni I started to notice every time I got up from my pc my legs would feel weak. I remember telling myself one day, weak legs sounds very serious. After having this thought, I got very concerned with the feeling in my legs, worrying about it all the time. Even though I was running on empty, trying to finish my degree having just had a baby. I convinced myself it was cancer.

Late May

The dreaded cough. I started noticing a cough every evening with tight chest. Great I though, this is obviously because of the lung shadow. Lung cancer getting worse? Either than or some other cancer that has spead. So weak legs+cough, I was now getting very worried about my health. However had to finish my degree so kept going with little anxiety.


Got to doctors to discuss weakness and feeling 'not right'. Had a series of bloods including ESR (which tests for inflammation in body). Everything came back fine except this. End of the world now! Although it was only slightly raised I knew certain cancers could raise this, terrified and had my first full panic attack after this. Went down surgery and had ECG. GP gave me diazapam. The raised ESR seemed to confirm to me all my fears, I did have something seriously wrong.

Had ESR test repeated after few terrible weeks of worry. Came back normal. Best result ever, thought this was going to be the end of worrying.

Mid June

Period becomes irregular. After being put on a mini pill my bleeding doesn't stop. Start googling which told me I had either cervical or ovarian cancer. Bleeding continues, anxiety gets worse and worse. Feel weak. Go to gp and she gives me tablets to stop bleeding, however still very anxious.


Frequent palps, eptopics, chest pain, left arm pain, jaw pain (all from anxiety I know believe) Which has been born from the initial symptoms.

Sorry it's a long message, had a bit of a tough day and thought it would help :) :hugs:

01-08-11, 16:18
hey anxitey can do things to your body and mind u never think it can ...i hope u get better soon take care