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01-08-11, 16:47
Hi, just thought I would say hi. I don't know where to start really.
I'm 38 years old and for the last 12 months been feeling panicky and anxious,I feel out of sorts, not my usual self, unconfident, worried and get upset when I worry.
I have hated my job for over a year and dread going. I get sweats and feel panicky during the night if I think about work.
Last week something changed! I panicked like never before and I was crying uncontrollably. I've felt like this for over a week now. But been down in general for a year. (lately I'm not sleeping well at all. I'm always worrying and my mind races)
I went to the doctor on Saturday and was given amitriptyline for a month, 2x 10mg at night. To help me sleep and to see if they make me feel better. 2 tablets haven't done a thing, I'm still not sleeping.
I don't know what to do????? I think I may need anti depressants? But I am reluctant as I have to tell work any medication I am on.

01-08-11, 16:48
Hi Yorkman

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-08-11, 17:12
Hi Yorkman :)

firstly welcome and glad you have found us . You are not alone in any way with how you feel . It is horrible .......but with help you will find your way through this

I think you should get back to your doctor ...........am guessing because it was Saturday the doc you saw was not your usual one ?
write how you feel down and give the doc the note if you find it hard to describe your distress.
lack of sleep is horrendous and makes us all very vulnerable .no wonder you feel wretched ............and is a sign you need some support be it via meds or counselling .
also I believe you need some time off work .........really difficult I know in these times ...........but it is crucial for your health at this moment ..........really is.

as for employers having knowledge of being on antidepressants ...... it will be confidential and wont stop you working once settled at all as far as I know .
they can help hugely to get your balance back ......but it is your choice xx

so hope you see the doctor again soon and get some help .......nothing to be ashamed of ...........and you will get better ...........honest xxx

01-08-11, 17:17
Hi Yorkman and welcome.You will get loads of support here hun and make lots of friends that fully understand your problems.

If you need meds to make you better don't worry about work!!!its confidential so really don't worry.Sometimes we need a little help.

Try having a relaxing bath before bed and a milky drink or camomile tea,listen to a relaxation cd or soft music and just try and chill.:hugs:

Do you have a problem at work,you seem to be worrying about it alot?

01-08-11, 17:21
It was my usual doctors as they're open on Saturday mornings. The doctor was good and I would go to her again.
I was hoping the amitriptyline would make me feel better, but they haven't yet. (will they at all)
I've got 3 days off work now and feel anxious already about going back.
Am I suffering from stress? Anxiety? Depression? As I don't know.
I'm just not myself at all.
What meds would the doctor give me? I want to feel better and sleep without worrying about work .

01-08-11, 17:29
I just dislike the job, and it's getting me down in a bad way lately. I find it hard to explain? Because I am down I've become less confident about everything. I even worry if I could be a success in a new job because I feel like this if you know what I mean?
I used to be ok when I had a few days off work but now I feel the same whether I am at work or at home.

01-08-11, 17:32
what is it about work worrying you ? can you tell us ?

you definately must go back to your doc though .........the med you are on is one of the older type drugs that helps with sleep ........but not the usual choice for anxiety/depression these days ..............but I am not a doctor or know your history ..........

you sound to me very stressed and anxious York man ..........some anti depressant meds are used for anxiety so dont get confused . Your doc will test if you are depressed as well . the two go hand in hand a lot :weep:

get that appointment made eh? that is your first step made and you will feel so much better for having done it take care xx

paula lynne
01-08-11, 17:36
Welcome along Yorkman. The obvious answer is to leave your job, reducing your stress, and in turn your anxiety. However, getting a job these days is very difficult I know that. Please take an hour to read the info in the left hand columns on anxiety and panic. It will help you understand whats going on with your body and may be useful for you to check off any symptoms/sensations you have. Writing them down and taking the list to your GP can help them make an informed decision about which type of Anti-Depressant/meds (if any) you need.

You sound like you are experiencing reactive depression, which has also produced anxiety symptoms. So, its happened for a reason. Take away the thing thats making you depressed (the job) and you should begin to get better. Again, its not that simple is it. A lot of people struggle everyday with work, but when you read up about depression and anxiety, and the link between them, at least you will know you arent going mad, and also, you arent alone. Best wishes. Paula x:)
Ps Snowgoose is right...anxiety and depression are best pals.......gggrrrrr.x

01-08-11, 17:54
At work too much responsibility is placed on me sometimes. And I struggle to cope with it. I cannot complain to work as it's expected of me.
I've felt down because of this for probably a year, but now it's got too much for me really.
I think I have a chance of another job??? But I worry now - could I do the job? As I feel so unconfident, anxious worried depressed stressed?? Dont know how I feel
P. I can't find reactive depression on this site??

01-08-11, 19:17
Reactive depression is the result of something happening to you like bereavement ,divorce, work stress .....ie ..........got a reason for it .
indigenous depression can occur in any one of us with no apparent reason on the face of it .

you are more than able to do new job I bet ..........it is just you feel low and your confidence has taken a beating . I say again no sleep and stress makes us all very very unsure ............male ,female ,young ,old ...........it sucks :mad:

but so many here will support you and understand . it is a huge problem in this country .stress .

do you know what this new job will be and anyone supportive and friendly working there? do you have occupational health ?

not you need to answer here :blush:............just thoughts for you to ponder on .

01-08-11, 20:18
Hello and welcome to NMP. I hope you find the advice and help you are looking for here an maybe make a few friends in the process.


01-08-11, 20:18
Hope you find some useful info on the NMP site, Yorkman. Plus making some online friends I hope happens for you too.

Welcome and good luck !!

I suffer from low moods, anxiety and ocd.

02-08-11, 10:41
Thanks for the welcome everyone.
Today i feel so low, I just want to goto sleep. That's when I am worry free.
I may have to visit the doctor again? Gonna see how I feel next week.
The amitriptyline are not helping me sleep! They don't seem to have lifted my mood either yet as i was hoping they would. Still Ive only been on them 3 days. I took 3 lastnight and did not sleep any better. I wake up with work on my mind.

02-08-11, 18:43
Hi Yorkman,

Welcome to the site.
You sound like me a month ago....the thought of work actually made me feel sick because of the way I was feeling.
I've been on Prozac now for over a month and I'm getting there.
Medication may or may not be right for you though so you definitely need to go back to your doctor.

Either way if you ever need a chat you can talk to me because I know how lonely it is.

Good luck.

Emily x

02-08-11, 21:58
Hello Yorkman

I know exactly what it's like having been there myself. I had a lot of stress through work and in the end I just had to leave. I was put on a course of anti-depressants (Sertraline) and Propranol for anxiety. I have since started a new job - it is less pay and the conditions aren't as good, but I am much happier in the job and the people around me are far more supportive to each other. I felt just like you at first, plagued with doubts about my abilities after what happened in my last job, but it turned out absolutely fine. I am working well and feel more valued by those around me. I am even looking to come off the anti-depressants next month as I am feeling so much better. Looking back I can see how toxic the last working environment was for me. Leaving was the best thing I could have done.

This could be you a few months down the line Yorkman! Do think seriously about taking the other job. Don't allow yourself to feel useless and become trapped where you are just because thats how the job makes you feel.

Tyke :)

03-08-11, 00:27
Thanks for the support tyke. I need it!! Feeling low and confidence has gone, can't sleep again. Took 4 amitriptyline at 11pm and wide awake mind racing still.
I'm gonna go to the docs next Monday if I feel no better for anti depressants. How long are people usually on them for.?
You have all done so well!!! I hope I get through this soon.

03-08-11, 03:57
I'm gonna go to the docs next Monday if I feel no better for anti depressants. How long are people usually on them for.?

It does vary. Usually they'll want you on them for six months minimum and they'll monitor you throughout to see how it's going. They have worked really well for me, but be aware that they usually take a while to 'kick-in' (four to five weeks in my case) and the side effects initially can make you feel slightly worse before you get better. There is plenty of support on here though - I communicated with other users on the 'medications' section on the forum to help me through it.